befriending the second star

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Pauline was taking a walk in the park she was thinking about Mario. She had a blush on her as she remembered all the good times they had. But wild lost in her thoughts she bumped in to someone.

Pauline: I am so sorry.

Luigi: it is okay.

Pauline: it's you. What was your name.

Luigi picked himself up he looked a little sad that someone he known for a long time could not remember his name.

Luigi: it's Luigi.

Pauline could hear the tone of his voice and felt a little guilty.

Pauline: do you want to grab some lunch with me.

Luigi: really.

Pauline: yeah. I need to get to know you better. I can't befriend one Mario brother and not the other.

Luigi: oh.

They went to a restaurant for lunch.

Pauline: so how is Mario.

Luigi: he is great. He is the hero of the mushroom kingdom.

Pauline: I heard.

Luigi: he talks about you alot.

Pauline: he does? I thought he is with Peach.

Luigi: yeah but it is not about dating he still thinks you are very pretty and I can agree. But he talks good about all his friends even some questions friends he is a nice guy He never forgets about his friends and like to talk about them. Mario is awesome that way.

Pauline: I guess he is. So what about you. You are my ex's brother but I never actually got to know you.

Luigi: ohh well I am just me.

Pauline: I know that. just tell me about yourself.

Luigi: w-w-well

Pauline: spit it out.

Luigi I am not that good at talking to people (blush). I am not that good at alot of things. I am an absolute coward. Can barley talk to a girl and is to shy for my own good.

Pauline: your talking to me and I am a girl.

Luigi: well yeah you already had me talking.

Pauline: but you still talked to me. And bravery is doing something despite being afraid and I bet you go one adventures with Mario so you have to be brave.

Luigi: maybe.

Pauline: and there is nothing wrong with being shy as long as it doesn't get in the way of important stuff.

Luigi's phone started ringing he answered it and after a while he hung up.

Luigi: thanks for the talk Pauline your a good friend but I need to go Mario needs me.

Pauline: tell him I said hi.

Luigi: I will.

Luigi left.

Pauline: the Mario brothers are interesting. And I guess being friendly and cute runs in their family.

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