Chapter 29

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For you

October folded her arms as she stared at Damien who was seated across her in a restaurant, eating like they were good friends comfortable with each other.

He had not said a word to her though and out of everyone of them that played the game, October would have preferred Victor because he was just funny but she didn't get the chance to pick who would take her.

This happened all because Uyi had promised to give her half of what he won; And he had promised to win plenty.

Ebube had won the money back. The wallet would have been enough too, but Hefty had to win it. Victor cried when he won the coke, Kingsley got the iPhone,Aaron had won Hefty's silver wristwatch and Benedict was left with nothing. It was like he was punished for betting with a bottle of coke.

Uyi had won the Air Jordans and the gold wristwatch. She would take the watch and sell it. He could have the shoes.

Damien cleared his throat and dropped his fork.
"You're not eating." He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't eat jollof rice." October answered.

"Since when?"Damien asked.

"Since the moment I came into this earth. I do not eat jollof rice." October relaxed on her seat.

"Order something else then."Damien said.

"Later. First of all, I want to know why you brought me here."October said.

"Why I brought you here?" He laughed and shrugged. "I felt like it."

"Why did you choose me? You had a lot of options. I mean,you were the first person to pick since you were the first person to win."She sat up properly.

"That should make you feel special." He picked up his fork and continued his spaghetti.

"So you dated Ebube, huh?"Damien asked as if in disbelief.

"What's with you and that? Yes, I dated Ebube. Satisfied?" She asked. He didn't reply.

He shook his head and muttered,
"So hostile."

She sighed and looked around the restaurant; at the people eating. Her gaze met his again and she cleared her throat.
"Thank you. I heard what you did to James because of me."She said sincerely. He hadn't been expecting that. How did she know? He could tell she was being sincere because his gaze lingered on her for a while.

He took his gaze away when he realized he was staring.

"It's not a problem. I would have done it for any other employee." Damien didn't even look at her.

Any other employee?

October didn't know what to expect but those words annoyed her.

"But you did not give me anytime to recover." She complained.

"And?"He asked.

She stared at him, appalled.
"And?" she repeated the question as if trying to process it as she looked at her plate of untouched food.

'Nna, lekwe anuohia nga' October said to herself and clapped thrice in her mind.

"And what if I didn't?" Damien asked again.

'Owu mua ka i na gwa ife a? Ajuju.'

"You are so rude. I hate being here with you." October said.

He dropped his fork in annoyance and adjusted his tie. Even on a non-formal occasion like this, he was dressed in a suit today, October had noted. Maybe he had other engagements after this.
"I came here to have a nice time and apologize to you for what I did but I guess I chose wrongly. You were supposed to sit and say nothing annoying. That's why I picked you."

"Well, I never wanted to be here anyways, but I thought that maybe I could use the opportunity to apologize to you too for five years ago since I humiliated you but no, you had to ruin everything." October got angry too.

"Now you had to bring that up. Did you have to spoil my mood? This is what I dislike about you. Does everything revolve around you?"Damien asked.

"In my world, yes. What else do you dislike about me? Everything else?" October rolled her eyes.

'Let him speak his mind. It's a free world after all'

"Well, since you mentioned it, there's the fact that you are clumsy, irresponsible and unattractive."

Wait, wait, hold on there.... Unattractive? The way thunder would....

"You know what?" She scoffed and stood up, carrying her bag. "Eat alone and die alone." She said before she walked away.


Damien couldn't stop laughing as he stared at his phone screen. Did October Obiakor actually use the term 'Eat alone and die alone'? Did she say 'die' and not 'dine'?

He bit his thumbnail as he thought about their argument. He shook his head and put on his TV but his mind wandered again.

He knew he was wrong to have gotten angry but he hated when anyone brought up the topic of what she did to him years ago. She had left him on the altar.

He looked at her shoe on his table and smiled unknowingly.

Was he smiling about October Obiakor? What was wrong with him? She was the clumsy, irresponsible......

No. She was not and would never be unattractive in his eyes.


Her, unattractive?

October scoffed as she stared at the ceiling.
She had suffered. She had heard it all. She would show him. Their school reunion was coming up and she would show him who was attractive.He was talking to himself not her. So when she wore clothes, what did she look like? A goat?


Nna lekwe anuohia nga: Look at this bush meat.

Owu mua ka i na gwa ife a : Is it me you are telling this to?

Ajuju: Question.

To those of you who guessed Damien,
You guessed right, smart readers.

Do you really like this chapter? If you do, you are smart 😂😂


Read, enjoy and stay blessed 😘
As always

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