Chapter 4

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October took one last look at her knee length blue dress and her silver heels. She was certain this was casual enough. A thin black belt circled her waist making her figure come out a little.Confident of her dressing, she delivered the first knock on the door in front of her before she opened it and walked in. The receptionist had already told the manager that she was coming up to the office.

The cool air hit her from the moment she entered and immediately, she felt cold. The scent of oranges hit her nostrils. It was the air freshener. The office was big and clean. On the only desk there, lay books stacked neatly, a laptop and some papers.

The chair behind the desk swiveled revealing a man in his early fourties sitting comfortably. He shifted on his seat when he saw her.

"G -Good evening sir."October greeted.

"Be comfortable. Sit." He gestured to the seat accross him. October did.

"The new middle manager?"he asked.

"Yes, sir."October answered.

"I looked at your CV and you don't seem that experienced in this field; but since the command came from a higher authority, you're hired. You start work immediately.You will be in charge of the cleaning department and the chefs. The security and other matters will be left for me. Any questions?"

That was it? It was so simple. This was the shortest interview she had ever been to. Claudia had really taken care of it.

"No sir." October answered.

"Kennedy." He said.

"Sir?"October asked, confused.

"My name is Kennedy. The receptionist you met earlier, Mary, she will show you to your office." He said and extended his hand to October for a handshake. October accepted it.

"Thank you sir." She said and tried to take her hand away but he held her hand for a little longer before he let her go.

"Tomorrow, you'll be introduced to all the staff members." He said as she stood up. She smiled before she turned and walked out.


Mary eyed October and hissed, smacking the gum in her mouth.

"Ehen?How may I help you?" Mary asked.

"What is your problem with me?" October asked.

"Please, do quick and move out. You're chasing away the hotel guests that are coming in. State your business here."

October rose an eyebrow and looked at her from head to toe.

"I'm thankful I don't argue with 'mere receptionists'."October said.

Mary's frown turned into a scowl.
"Are you insulting me?"

"No, it's a complement." October said.

"Who do you think you are?" Mary asked.

"The middle manager." October said.

"It's not possible. A new manager hasn't been employed yet. It won't even be someone like you." Mary argued.

"Take it up with your boss."October said. Mary hissed and scoffed.

"So, even if you claim to be the president or whatever, why are you here?" Mary asked.

"He said you should show me to my office." October answered.

"First door down the hall." Mary said and dropped a key on the counter and scoffed.

October shook her head and took the key before she walked towards where she had been directed to.

She inserted the key into the keyhole of the door which had the words 'Middle manager' boldly inscribed on he platinum plate nailed to it.
Just two clicks and the door opened. She walked in and looked around. She liked it. She really liked it.

It had a feminine touch to it and also masculine features, making it  comfortable for anyone, be it male or female.

Her desk was near the windows which had blinds, the walls were white,there was a black rug under the under the glass centre table which was in the middle of two yellow sofas at the centre of the room. The room smelt of roses. The desk was neatly arranged.

There was a knock on the door.

"It's open."October answered.The door opened and then a woman poker her head in.

"Need cleaning?" The woman asked.

"No, thank you...." October paused. So she already knew she was here? News travelled around here fast.

"Chinwe." The middle aged woman said and smiled softly.

"Thank you ma. I just started."

"Oh. Okay. I'll be back tomorrow then."

"No problem ma." October said.


"Son," Jim started as he sat at the table where his wife and three sons. All the boys turned to look at him. "I talked to the Nzeakos today."
They all relaxed except Aaron. He had made it clear whom he was talking to.

"And?"Aaron asked, uninterested.

"Their daughter is home. She returned yesterday. Anne." Jim said. Aaron dropped his spoon.

"Jim."Adesuwa called. "Can't we have a normal family dinner?"

"What is wrong? He knows his duties. Marry Anne and become bigger. One day you will be the Chairman of O&R when I'm gone, and very soon when your mother's gone......"

"Gone to where? Please speak for yourself. If you want to go soon, go soon. Don't drag me into anything."Adesuwa said.

"I don't like Anne dad, period." Aaron said. "And I'm not October. You can't force me to marry anyone." He said and stood up. "I just lost my appetite. Good night." He said and walked out. Leslie and Lawrence exchanged glances. Leslie shrugged and continued eating.


So guys.....I'll give an author's note after every five chapters.
How are you feeling about the characters?

BTW, Christmas is arriving. It's the day Jesus was born.Celebrate.
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Read, enjoy and stay blessed😘😘

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