Lisa stood up which startled the other three.

She was about to head to the door when she was stopped by Jisoo.

"And where do you think your going Manoban?"

Lisa whined, "why do they always treat me like a baby?!" She thought.

Lisa being her stubborn self continued her way to the door, which she of course was stopped again.

"Yah! Do you want to die? It's dangerous outside." Jennie whisper yelled, not wanting to wake the others up. This surprised them, it surprised them to trace sincerity in her voice, they really are getting more and more comfortable with each other.

"I'll be quick unnie." Lisa turned her head towards Jennie to find the latter looking at her confused, Jennie then turned her head towards Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

Jisoo being the intellectual she is, picked up the message immediately.

"Yes dumbass, she's talking to you." Jisoo mocked her and laughed, she found Jennie amusing and cute, a rare side she shows people.

Back in school she would always look unapproachable, wearing her famous "Resting Bitch Face", but inside she was actually a softy, it was her title's fault she wasn't able to show it to people.

Jennie blushed in embarrassment and hung her head low, hiding her blushing face.

"Why is something wrong?" Lisa asked, completely confused.

This made Jennie look at her.

"No, it's just that. . .this is the first time you called me unnie."


"Oh." Lisa realised.

"Anyways I'll go with you, I couldn't sleep and it's boring to stare at walls." Jennie changed the subject quick, she doesn't want the awkwardness to resurface again.

"Then I'll tag along too." Chaeyoung said enthusiastically, now they were all looking at Jisoo.

"Fine, whatever." Jisoo said, standing up in the process.

Now all they have to do is sneak out, they just want to see what's happening outside.

Besides they already look like they belong here, wearing dresses that fit the Enchancian style.

They already passed by the table where Seulgi and her friends were earlier, Lisa was about to open the door when a voice stopped her, again.

"You know it's not safe to wander around at night."

All heads turned towards where the voice was coming from and found Seulgi sitting on a chair, legs crossed with a smirk on her face.

"You really think you can sneak out behind our backs? Think again." She stood up and made her way towards the younger girls.

Lisa whined again. "Unnie we can't sleep." she said in a cutesy tone while pouting, hoping it will save them from Seulgi's scolding.

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