Grey [LAMP] (Modern AU)

Start from the beginning

Virgil: Quiet you! It sounds cool! But yeah, it's Patton's turn to have a trashed house and make us breakfast. You ready to deal with all of our annoying nonsense, Dad?

He had almost forgotten about Saturday Night Sleepovers. The house wasn't clean and there was so much to do to prepare. He had to get snacks out and ready, choose movies, get out enough pillows and blankets for forts, warm his moms.... but he also felt so tired. He didn't feel like doing anything. He just wanted to cry, but everyone knows that boys aren't supposed to cry. Cleffa was asleep and the whole room was quiet. More like the whole room was in color and he was the loud grey static. Even so, it was his turn. He has to own up to his word.

Patton: Give me an hour or two and I should be ready.

Instant replies.

Logan: Don't overwork yourself, Sunflower. It isn't advised you stay optimal, however you're happiness and mental health is most important to us.

Roman:  Oh, can we watch loads of Disney Movies tonight, Cheeky? You better pick out the classics! Lots of Cartoons!

Logan: It is not your choice. It's Patton's Choice.

Virgil: Can we stop spamming the group chat?! Jesus Christ! Remy's sleeping in our room and he's going to wake up and noogie the hell out of me if you don't shut up! 

Virgil: Let's just meet up in maybe an hour at Patton's, agreeed?

It was settled. Patton only had an hour to do so much. So much to do, even though he is so tired. Patton set his phone down and scratched Cleffa behind the ears before walking downstairs. He had to go notify his Moms about his friends spending the night, didn't he? Patton walked down the stairs and went gay for their bedroom, since god forbid anything straight happens here. The door was open and it was empty. Maybe they're in the family room? No luck either. Patton went into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge. He took it off and read it.

Tonight was their date night. Patton had forgotten. They wouldn't be back until nine. Patton would just have to text them to let them know, but his phone was all the way upstairs... Patton brushed it off for now, taking out several plastic bowls and setting them on the counter. Patton knows that Virgil and Roman love yogurt covered pretzels and that Logan would be mad without any fruit or cheese platter made. Patton also knows that Roman and Logan both enjoy Chex Mox and everyone enjoys Cheezits. He should probably get those done first... even though he'd only eat the fruit and cheese platter out of all of that. Maybe nothing. Patton doesn't feel too hungry.

After making everything and setting it out, he only had thirty five minutes left. Patton trudged back up the stairs, going for his phone and some DVDs. Roman had requested cartoon Disney movies, but he should add in some that Logan and Virgil would want. What he wanted? Well, he really wanted to watch Mary Poppins Returns or E.T but nobody else really would so it didn't really matter... Patton selected the movies, two for each person in mind, and grabbed his phone before going downstairs. Cleffa woke up when he accidentally tripped on his way getting out and began to follow him.

After everything was nice and set up, he still had nine minutes before everyone would arrive. Patton couldn't smile, even though he had accomplished everything he needed to do. Why have pride after completing a mundane chore? What's the use? Patton looked out the kitchen window over the sink. The sun was setting right there, facing west. It was beautiful, but Patton still couldn't smile. He took off his glasses and looked at the blurring warm colors of sunset. Still no smile.

The heaviness and emptiness made him feel different than the rest of the colored world around him. His depression hurt. He looked down at the blur of orange, black, and white that had rubbed up against his leg to try and get affection. Patton bent down and stroked the cat a few times, careful not to brush her shedding fur upwards towards his face. He definitely needs to wash his hands and face just in case. Maybe try to bring the red down. He walked to the kitchen to do just that, leaving his glasses next to the sink.

After splashing himself with water, he looked up though the window again and let out another sorrowful breath. He flinched when he heard a loud knock on the door. Considering that he didn't use the doorbell, it was Roman. Roman forced a smile onto his face, even though it hurts after a while, and put his glasses back on. He had to get in character, so he skipped to the door and opened it, happily greeting Roman.

"Roman! I'm so happy you're here! Please, come in!"

Patton is just a grey pawn in a colored world, trying to apply crayons over him to make him appear like everyone else. And it hurt. It hurt so bad. It hurt so much. He just wants the pain of being grey to go away.

But it can't.

1620 Words

Depression medications aren't a depression curer. Depression medications are meant to level your head out and balance your hormones. Only you can be in charge of if you're happy or not. Depression and mental disorders are an extreme weight to bear and make it a hell of a ride to try and get there, but I know you can. You can be happy. You deserve to be happy. As long as you give the extra push and find the things in life that are worthwhile, then everything is going to be okay. I promise.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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