"Nick, you know Connor and I have to do the two Christmas thing right?" I asked.

"Oh. Right. Yeah, so everyone except for the two of you, and then Markus and North and their kid-"

"They have a kid?"

"Oh, keep up, Bolts! Start grabbing the cookie stuff while I'm talking," Nick ordered me. I sighed and got out the ingredients, starting with the eggs.

"So everyone here, Markus, North, their kid," I began for him.

"Right! And Gavin's parents, and some people Christen knows from work, and oh god...I've lost track of everyone."

"You spent all that time telling me that I wasn't listening just to not even know who alls coming?"

"Yep. Exactly," Nick chuckled beginning to mix the dry ingredients. Everyone was talking and having a good time, even Connor and Gavin, which I think took everyone by surprise. Nick and I made sure everyone kept to their recipes, and that no one killed each other. Margot was barely awake by the time plating came around but she was excited to help. By 9am, Nick had managed to plate at least a quarter of what he needed. Maybe a little less since Nick might've let Kyle steal a plate.

At 9:07, the doorbell rang and Nick excitedly ran over. "Hey, Craig! How are the kids?" Nick greeted.

Connor suddenly nodded, and walked close over to me. "He makes these for the precinct guys?" Connor asked. I nodded.

We passed out every single last one of his dishes. It never ceases to amaze me how Nick can predict almost exactly how many people will actually show up.

Everyone seemed a little shocked when the first android showed up, but no one complained. Even Gavin kept his eye roll to himself. Elijah Kamski kept himself well hidden when we were passing out food. I think he knows that he's a pretty...visceral figure for cops and androids alike, but Connor and I managed to ignore him. When the time came around, Connor and I waved goodbye and left out. Nick sent us with our gifts from everyone, and "one for Hank."

"Are you ready to go to Hank's?" I asked as we got into the car.

"Yeah," Connor nodded, but he was smiling a little.

"What's got you so cheery?" I chuckled.

"I just had a good time," he answered, turning on the car. He always drives since I'm still a little scared to.

"Even with Kamski and Gavin?"

"Well...Gavin's not so bad. I think he might even think I'm deviant this year. Kamski...well Christen said that she wouldn't be with him if he wasn't better than the guy I knew a year ago."

"With him? Christen and Kamski are dating?"

"Well...maybe," Connor sighed. "They didn't seem very...coupled up."

"Ugh. It doesn't matter, but still. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," I chuckled.

"But I started thinking while I was there," Connor sighed nervously.

Oh God. Whenever he just says he "was thinking," or gives me a nervous sigh like that, he wants me to start the conversation because whatever it is he wants to talk about he knows I'm not going to like it.

Since it's both...I think I'm going to hate it.

"What is it, Connor?" I sighed. He took my hand as he turned down the main road.

"I uh...well..." he sighed. He gently rubbed my hand, both of our hands covered with gloves.

"Connor if I'm going to hate it this much...just spit it out."

THE CHASE - Connor x OC (I Am Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now