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Tae's P.O.V

I woke up finding Kara between my arms, hugging her tight, I laughed to myself feeling kinda sorry for her, I hugged her all night long because I always need something to hugged and I've been using her as a pillow.

I can't help it, she's so cosy.

I ran my hand through her hair as my other arm wrapped securely around her waist. I had her in a vice grip, pressed tightly against me .

"Good morning."I rasp, leaning over to kiss her cheek  after she opened her eyes.

"G’morning" she yawned, stretching her back out.

"Did you sleep good? , you want anything?" I asked, my fingers were massaging her scalp. Last night she was so embarrassed when Mrs.Min saw us in the kitchen, her politeness never fail to impress me.

"I want you to shut up and keep doing what you’re doing." She mumbled, eyes squeezed shut as they try to block the sun peeking through the curtains.

"It feels so good."she whispered and I moved my hand up and down her waist.

"Don't tickle me" she pouted eyes still close.

"Wasn't planning on it until you mentioned it" I laughed.

"No!" She jumped, and tried to stand, before I pushed her back down with a grin.

"Relax, Love " I smiled.

"How long have you been up?", she asked as she sit up.

"Long enough for you to give me some more attention before breakfast.",I took her hand, making her look at me.

My grip was loose, so she could walk away. But she decided to stay.she laid her head on my chest.

She kept a hold of my left hand, playing with my wedding ring I had on my finger. I felt her smiling again my chest.

"What are you smiling about?",I grumbled with my eyes closed.

"Just thinking what would we be like if we hated each other like Mr& Mrs.Min." I Chuckled to myself, kissing the top of her head and she gaze up at me , my heart swelling at the little smile that rested on her pink lips as I stared down at her.

"I’m so in love with you." I breathed out, fingers tracing her jawline and she smiled up at me, gently grasping my wrist and I flatten my palm against her cheek.

Kara kissed the inside of my hand and nuzzled her cheek into my palm. "I’m so in love with you, too." She whispered back, "but that doesn't answer my question " she pouted.

"I can't hate an Angel like you," I Muttered breathy, pulling her closer, resisting the urge to kiss her. "Special when you're nothing but sweet." I digged my fingers into her clothed sides almost greedily, craving to feel her hot skin under my hands. 

She looked at me and I tipped my head closer, brushing her nose with mine. She moved up and kissed the side of my mouth.

I released a breath, My eyes locking with hers, I kissed her again, lips capturing hers softly my hands traveled down her body and lightly grip her bum.

 The sensation of her against me was intoxicating, our mouths moving against each other like our lives depended on it. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, gentle at first and then demanding.

I felt like was melting, my body dissolving into hers as I tried to close any space. she brought her hands over to the back of my head, gripping the locks on the back of my neck, causing a small groan to escape me .

I pulled away for a second, my eyes traveling over her, my gaze darkening as I connected my lips to het neck, kissing lightly along her jawline, down her exposed skin.

The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now