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Kara's P.O.V

He said it


I never thought a word could make you feel this happy, heart swelling and dropping the longer I think about it.

The warm feeling I have running through my whole body,it's like my grandma used to say, 'when you love someone nothing else really matter.'

And I always used to say that's nonsense and here I'm today actually believing it.

I thought he was drunk again which obviously too stupid for me to think like that, but I just couldn't help it .

Taehyung and I made our way out the plain, this flight was definitely my best flight ever.

"Let's go," Taehyung said with a deep voice. He held my hand as we past some workers.

"Here what you asked for Mr.Kim" a worker bowed handing Taehyung a key.

Taehyung bowed back an we started walking again as we mad it to where a motorcycle lay waiting.

"You ride motorcycle ?" I asked.

He hummed in respond as He picked up his helmet, handing it to me before mounting the machine. I stared at it in amazement for a moment, before sliding it on.

"Hope you don't mind ?" He asked.

"Why would I mind? " I laughed.

"Well, good girls refuse to ride motorcycles" he licked his lips.

My heart dropped down to my stomach at the sight of him, He's handsome but with the motorcycle, God, My vocabulary is incapable to define this godess in front of me.

"They are just pretending "

I plopped myself down behind Taehyung before tentatively wrapping my arms around his waist. The second I made contact it was like a bolt of physical electricity shot throughout my body. I could tell he felt it too as his body tensed at my touch and he ceased to breathe for a moment.

The two of us sat in what felt like frozen time for all of maybe a minute before Taehyung roared the motorcycle to life, ending the incident.

"Better hold on tight "

He said as drove much too fast for me, leaving my vision a dizzy blur. I elected to close my eyes the remainder of the drive which consequently led to me resting my cheek against his back as he steered.

While my eyes were closed, every other sensor in me was in high alert. I was aware of every breath he took, every muscle he flexed. I was  subconsciously committing his strong body to memory ,the hard, sculped back, steel torso, even the slightest brush against his powerful thighs were driving me nuts. I began nuzzling my face into his back, taking in his heavenly scent.

After some not long driving, he stopped ,parking on the side of the street.I looked around and there was shops and restaurants everywhere.

He turned the motorcycle off and hopped down, he looked at me and reached out opening the helmet and take it off my head.

We entered an ice cream shop," I don't know if we will have the time to come here later so I decided to past by now" he smiled pulling me to order."the usual ?" He asked as I nodded spontaneously.

Does he still remember ?

"Two Vanilla ice cream please " he said to the worker.

I just couldn't help but smile foolishly.

The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt