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Tae' s P.O.V

We made our way to the hotel , hand in hand , the women from earlier come up to us smiling , handing me a key , looking confused , I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off

"You forgot it this morning in your suite , I hope you enjoy the night with your beautiful wife " she said looking at kara

We smiled at her going to the elevator , we get in

"Wife , huh ? " kara said , I can smell the sarcasm

" Don't you like it " I said with a smirk on my face

She pull her hand a way from mine , crossing her arms in front of her chest

" Let me think about it " she said smiling ,when the elevator door opened ,

Standing in front of the door , I don't know why I feel nervous all of sudden , she not the first girl I bring her over to where I'm staying , but this feeling that I can't explain , I opened the door , letting her in first then followed her , closing the door ,

We entered the suit to find the room decked out in candles and rose petals , two full wine glasses waiting on the tables

Shocked from the view that I'm seeing in front of me , I opened my mouth to talk but no words come out , I'm totally embarrassed ,

What if she thought that I planned all this

The Fucking stupid hotel service

"Nice room " she said smiling , like if she's trying to hold her laugh

Wrong room , Hell this is not my room

Wait is she teasing me

"Thanks " I said trying to turn of a candle beside me

"The hotel must be really happy for your marriage" she said sitting down on the couch

" more than I do " I said setting besides her

" that's what happened when you decide to come to your honeymoon alone. " she said , leaning on the table and picking up the glasse of wine , " wanna drink " she said

I shocked my head , she took a sip from the wine and putted the glasses on her knees , if I drink that glasse of wine , I don't think I will be able to control my self

She waved her hand in front off my face " you look tired , you should get some sleep " she said looking at me in the eyes

Tired ? What ? ME ? Who said that ?

Every time I looked at her , I zoned out , admiring her feature , I hope she doesn't think I'm a freak but I just can't help it she so god damn beautiful

"I'm not tired actually " I said

"Then what's on you mind , what are you thinking ?" She said facing me

" I wanna kiss you " fuck , did I said that out loud , she blushed and looked away , I'm quite happy to see her blush , she's so cute when she tried to hid it

Grinning , I bring my hand to her chin and tilted her her face to mine , kissing her softly, tracing my tongue so tightly along he bottom lip , I pulled away looking in to her eyes

Feeling confidence Taehyung , Huh ?

I've head enough, why am I keeping distance

I picked her up and sling her over my shoulder, then carried her to the bedroom , I tossed her on the bed , climbing on top of her and begin kissing her neck .

"I've been waiting all night to do this " I said kissing her one last time on her neck then looking at her eyes

" I'm planning on making you wait " she said smiling at me

"What " I said

" I'm hungry , and we didn't had dinner , remember ? " she said

Hungry ? Yeah true , we kinda kept talking and forget about dinner

I'm kinda loving the we

"Dinner ? " I said getting up of her looking at my watches " at 6AM in the morning " I said looking back at her

" we can say early breakfast " she said smiling again , that smile

" okay , what do you want ?" I asked

"Anything as long as I'm not gonna stay hungry " she said sitting up on the bed

I went to a mini fridge that was placed in the room , opened it ," there is only ice cream here " I said turning to look at her

" I can eat that " she said setting up at the edge of the bed

I piled up two bowls with ice cream and handed her one , sitting next to her , we clinked them together in a toast , we started eating in silence

" wait " she said when I looked at her " why don't I have blueberries in my ice cream to " she said pointing with her spoon at my bowl

"Those are only for me " I said smiling at her

"Why ? " she asked looking at me.

" because..." I ate one then continued " I love blueberries "

" can't we share ?" She said with the cuteness puppy eyes ever. "Sharing is caring "

" No " that's not working on me , no sharing

She tried to swipe a spoonful as I pulled my bowl away playfully

"Someone is being naughty , try to be fast next time " I chuckled , she pouted cutely

I can't handle her cuteness , I leaned forward and kiss her gently , cupping her check in my hand , while I leaned close , she plucked a blueberry from my bowl

" I guess my speed was acceptable this time " she said with a smirk

"Okay , you win " I said laughing

"Does that mean we can share ?" She asked

" no " I said shoving all the blueberries left in my mouth , she laughed at me and kept eating her ice cream

Later , we lied on the bed wrapped in each other's arms as our empty bowls sit beside the bed

We talked about everything , except for our personal life , I never thought that I can be opened to someone that I just meet , and feel so comfortable when they're around , having her in my arms , making me want to stop the time , to keep her here.

We spent the rest of the day talking before falling asleep in each other's arms.

The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now