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Tae's P.O.V

The padding and crunching of our feet atop the layers of gravel that littered the familiar trail, accompanied by the early morning birds singing a sweet melody was just as sweet as candy to a child.

The sunlight seemed to dance during this early summer morning. To weave and frolic with tongues of fire between the blades of grass. This morning, the yellow light was calming.

The suns rays diffused softly through the gray curtains of clouds with a shrouded light that never failed to illuminate. High up in the treetops, the leaves swayed, but on the ground, the grass was silent, limp and unmoving.

The hilltop approached fast, and with the last few steps completed, a large and triumphant breath was released through my dry and scratchy mouth, so desperate for a sip of water.

"That was a good run."

The voice was so sweet to my ears, but so sudden after the hour period of silent running. My eyes trailed towards the figure besides me with a smile, as I walked forward, snatching the bottle half full from her hands. 

"Yeah, for you." I scoffed. "I was struggling half the time considering you hogged the water."

Kara’s smirk was undeniably attractive, her sweaty physic only making the sight so much as a delicacy to look at.

"Thirsty much?" She commented sarcastically but the hint of lust was hard to miss.

"Only for you baby." I replied with a wink before gulping down a large amount of the water bottle.

It was silent from then on out, the early morning breeze brushing past the both of us - whipping through the green blades and blossoming leaves around us.

Kara was the first to act upon our setting, stepping forward on top of the breezy mountain until the entire view of Seoul City stood in front of her , me following close behind. 

A sigh of delight was forced from kara ,her eyes danced around the city with the glare of the sun reflecting against her ,leaving her eyes in a beautiful bright honey colour. 

she may not be beautiful to herself, but to me, she was just perfect

Her once distracted eyes finally caught sight of mine, furrowing in at the eyebrows as her mouth morphed a form of questioning. 

"What?"she wandered. 

"Nothing." I replied breathlessly, "Just reminding myself of all the reasons why I deserve you."

"Oh yeah?" She smiled. "Well keep trying, you might be here a while."

The lack of self value in her tone had a frown settling across my face as I peered up the beautiful girl in astonishment. 

"Well, It really isn’t that hard. All I had to do is stare at you for a couple of seconds."

It was silent for only a second, before I stepped forward, my gaze fully meeting hers as we turned to face each other. 

"You really are perfect to me. You know that?"

"I’m not perfect, but I don’t find it hard to believe you find me perfect, cause I think you're perfect as well."

This had me smiling like an idiot as we both leaned forward, capturing each others lips in a smile set with love and passion, soon falling into one of love and need.

I don’t know if its just me, but recently, I’ve been needing Kara a lot more desperately then usual. It had to be something, but whatever it was, it was driving me crazy.

The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now