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Tae's P.O.V

I wore my clothes back , and she wrapped herself in a blanket was on the sofa ," you okay?....need any help " I asked ,"umm.., I need to take a shower" she answer , " okay , Imma order us some food ".

She looked around for a moment, avoiding my gaze then look at me " I need help " her cheeks flushed pink    "my legs...."

Wait , I wasn't that rough

" Um...yeahh " I picked her up bridal way , she put her hand around my neck , "Up stairs " I said and she nodded not looking at me , her sudden shyness was making me weak also entertaining me

I entered her room and took her to the bathroom and  put her down, "call me if you need anything , I'll wait outside " I smiled at her and closed the door after me

Her room doesn't look like a girl room at all, but a young woman , I sat on the bed and there was a bunch of paper on it ,  she draws

I kept looking at all the drawing she has , it looked like a  clothes collection for men , I'm very impressed , she is super talented

I heard the door opened and lift my head up , she walked out from the shower , wrapped in a towel with her wet hair

Her body looks so...., I'm getting hard again , control yourself Dude , since when have you been like this

She entered her closet and I  kept looking at the drawing trying to forget her figure , and clam myself down , she got out from the closest wearing an oversized hoodie covering the middle of her thighs.

"How are you feeling" I asked when she climbed to the bed next to me.

" fine "she smiled putting her hair behind her ear, it was super attractive, why she so beautiful ," nice collection" I said trying not to sound like a creep for starring at her.

" I haven't finished it yet , it's my first time designing male clothes " she said collecting the paper

" Is This what you do , I mean for work " I asked handing her the paper.

" Technically , Yes .... but I'm working at my dad's Company too " she put the paper in a file " my dad doesn't know I have my own company as a designer" she said

" you really do have a lot of secret " I chuckled so did she

"well, I've been a secret  my whole life"

"How could your dad never find out " I asked , " Okay ,...let see ..... I go by the name kara , and also I never used any of my dad's money to start my company " she said , " also Jimin was the one who encouraged me to start this , and he is my first financier " she continued.

" I would like to work with you " I said smiling at her " of course if you're planning on releasing your collection here .....I mean your designs are amazing " I said when she smiled

" I would love that too " she said when we heard the doorbell , " food " we said at the same time

We got down stairs , I opened the door and paid , getting back inside she was placing the plates on  the table

I Don't know why I feel this comfortable around her  more than I ever did with anyone else , it feels so natural , like I've known her ages ago

We sat down at the table and she did her hair in a ponytail , I smirked when I saw the hickeys on her neck

Well done Taehyung , I'm proud of you

" are you free tomorrow " I asked , she nodded , " I want you to meet my friends " I said , she nodded happily

After we finished eating , we started washing the dishes , standing next to each other , she washed and I dried the plates

I've never felt this close to someone , who I just happened to  meet , she was so beautiful , so breath taking , my heart beat so fast when ever she next to me , having this feelings of wanting to have her only for me

It's such beautiful thing how we find people who can make us feel so happy , even at times when we don't believe in happiness at all

" and we are done " she said handing me the last plate , " I should probably get going , I'm hanging out with the boys tonight " I said , she nodded

Walking me out to the door , we said goodbye , " I see you tomorrow " I said ,"okay "

I pecked her lips , she smiled  pulling a part.


The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now