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Tae's P.O.V

"I'm Sorry " was all what she said when she saw her pic

" Why ? Don't you like her ?....well I know she's not pretty like you but she's a nice person " I said

" Noo... , not like that , it's just..I never thought Jimin ..." I cut her off

" would married his best friend's ex " I said ,and she looked at me " he kinda loved her to, from the beginning , but she chooses  Jimin at the end "

" Would I be judged if I said 'that's the best thing she did ' " she smiled

The best thing

" yeah , very hard , you have to explain why say that ?"

" if she didn't chose Jimin ....., we won't be here , I'm glad she did "

That wass..........unexpected

I moved closer to her and put my hand around her waist , locking our eyes together , I leaned in and kissed her lips , her scent is driving me crazy , the way her lips feel against mine make me wanna kiss her forever

I didn't break the kiss , I couldn't and it grown more rougher , we heard a knock at the door , we pulled apart catching our breath

Her face was pink and she was breathing so fast , she look so hot , right now ," who is it " I said breathing heavily

" Sir , You parents are waiting for you down stairs" the maid said from behind the door

" Coming " I said looking at kara that was looking at me the whole time ," we better get going " she said , freeing herself from my arms that were still holding her , heading to the door

I pulled her by her wrist turning her to face me and kiss her deeply  , letting go I whispered in her ear " I'm glad she did too " I watched her in amusement as she walked from the room blushing

We made it down stairs,  me following her from behind , as my mom stood up " I'm happy to finally have a daughter " she said holding kara's hand sitting her next to her ,

" Soo, it's been two hours and a half , what have you both talk about " her dad asked , " his friends" she said with the amazing smile ever

" Ohhh , wait until you meet them, they're all great kids " my mom said ," Kids " I said rolling my eyes , really mom

" let me have a look at you , I just can't have enough of you " my mom said looking at kara's face

" I Guess , we should start the wedding preparation " her dad said looking at Mrs.park , who looked at my mom and kara with a forcing smile and unloving eyes

" Actually " I said when I broke the silence , everyone looked at me , " I would love if we had a small wedding " , the we again

" That would be super great" Mrs.park said looking happy , suddenly

Luckily everyone agreed , the wedding wil be 5 days from now , which mean this weekend , my mom wants me to get married so fast , I couldn't believe when she said she gonna take care of all the planning

Like my mom

The women who gave me birth

Gonna leave her work to plan my wedding

Life is Indeed full of surprises

" What are you thinking about " kara said sitting next to me in the car driving her home

" I can't believe it " I said

" That you're getting married in 5 days " she said

"No , I'm surprised that my Own mother gonna plan my wedding " I said

" is that a bad thing " she asked

" I don't know , but it's not her , she didn't get involved when I was planning my wedding to hayon " I said focusing on the road

"She's the only one who can explain all of your questioning " she said

We made it to her house , standing at her front door, looking at each other eyes without saying a word

The first time I met her , I didn't know I'll grow fond of her gradually , her personality , her voice , her eyes , her hair , her humor , the way she looked away and smiled

They say the best relationships are the ones you never saw coming , accepting to get married to make my family happy is a thing I would never do , but now just looking at her

" Why are you doing this ?" I asked

"Huh ?" She questioned

"Why did you accept this arranged marriage ?" I cleared up my question

" that's what my dad wants , and I can't say no , he  has done so much for me already " she said smiling at me

" what if it wasn't me " I said , " I would still get married " she said , I didn't expect that , she's really that good , marrying for her father's sake

" If You see from the bright side , destiny brings us together " her eyes sparkled

We meant to be

" we meant to be " she said

Did she read my mind

I smiled at her , "wanna come inside " she said

I won't miss the chance

The Last Flower [KTH] (+18) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now