Chapter 3: Someone is in love ...

Start from the beginning

Once, I entered our mansion. Chen, Lay and Chanyeol are watching TV. They suddenly looked at me in shocked as if they saw a ghost. Mabye thats because of my humming. Man.. can't a guy like me be happy. Ignoring them, I just went in to my room.

Lay's pov:

Chen, Chanyeol and I just sat on the couch minding our own business while  watching TV. Suddenly, Luhan entered and I can't believe what am I seeing with my own eyes. He is smiling and not only that, he is humming!!

We were  shocked as if we had just seen a ghost. Chen suddenly shout " What the?! Did Luhan hyung and Chanyeol switched bodies or something?!  First, Kris is happy and now Luhan!!! What in the world happened?!"

"Yah! Chen, Do I look like that I am an arrogant and gloomy guy today... Go talk to him and find out what's going on..." Chanyeol said...

"Who me?? " I asked since they both just gave me a stare.

"Ya... Go and no complaints." They both said in unison.Hais.... Well here I go.

I'm outside his room. Slowly, I knock on his door but before I could do that, he opened the door. I would shocked is he know that I was going to knock door or he was giving a big smile. "I just read your  mind. Pabo..." Luhan said.

"Okay, who are you and do you do to our cold, arrogant Luhan that we know."I said. "Firstly,  Is it really that weird seeing me like this? "Luhan answered. "Seriously, do I have to answered that. Come tell me what happened. What make our Luge~ very happy."

After Luhan told me the story ~~~~~~

"Really, you can't read her. Well that never happened before."I said. "Yea... And her hair, her cute face and she smells like strawberries. "Luhan said, he can't stop smiling.

"You know. that she might be your mate... Well you can't read her mind..."

"I don't know, there is something that is interesting with her. I never felt this way before." Luhan said.

"Looks like someone is in love~ "I said.  Man this is sooo good I got to tell the others. "Don't you dare."Luhan said while giving me a death glare.

"Try me."I dared him.

Luhan's pov:

Ah!! That Lay, always giving me troubles. I ran after him when Lay wanted to tell everyone on what I told him. When I reached downstairs,  It is too late.


Lay screamed. Chanyeol and Chen is already laughing while Kai teleported out if the kitchen with fired chicken in his mouth.

I levitate that annoying unicorn. "Yah!! Put me down!! I promise to not tell the others about you and Strawberry. Well since you said her hair smells like strawberries, I think I will call her that...Opps... " Lay said.  I faceplamed myself while the others laughed at me.

"So is she pretty? How old is she? What's her name? " Chanyeol bombed with these questions.

"I don't know her name but I want to find out everything about her. She is so interesting. She has a cute face and..." I stopped when I realised that the other guys stared at me.

"You're right our hyung is in love." Chen said and burst into laughter.  Same goes with the rest. I am soooo annoyed.Argh!! With that, I stomped to Kai and grabbed the bucket of chicken he was to eat and straight to my room.

Kai's pov:

Man...  She must be so special that he can make him smile like that. He is so cold that I think it is almost impossible to see him smile like that. Luhan hyung came and grabbed my chicken.Once he entered his room, I linda whinned, "Why did he always did that to me? I was about to eat that." I pouted.

"Dude, You eat too much.Try something else for a change." Sehun suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

He almost make me have a heart attack, well since I am a vampire I can'thave a heart attack. "Sehun ah, where did you come from? You scared me." Then, the door opened revealing Kris hyung.

"Where's Luhan hyung ?" He asked.. "Upstairs in his room why ? " I answered while pointing to the direction of his room."Let's say I want him to do a favor for me." Kris said while giving me his mischievous smirk. They are planning something.

I am going to find out what.


Hey guys sorry for the late update..I am busy recently and I was overseas for awhile and I am back.  Pls comment on my story since I am still new in this... 

Please look forward in the next few chapters ~

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