Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter 25- Kweide

I loathed the human, I loathed her and her companion more than I have ever loathed anything else. For three planetary rotations I had been trapped with Lar'ja-thwei on a planet collecting greenery for them. Three days of incessant chatter that made me want to rip my tendrils out one by one. I was going to shove the leaves down the human's throat if she complained on the taste even a little.

The plants had been checked once, twice, even three times over! They were edible for her kind, they were safe, and she was going to deal with it like I was going to have to live with the memories of the awful trip.

The ship was quiet when we docked. My best conclusion was perhaps a wide spread period of rest was happening now that many had gone hunting in the area. "Lar'ja-thwei," I picked up a few crates of leaves and looked to make sure I had his attention. "I'm taking these for H'chakde's servant, will you keep watch over the rest while I'm away?"

"Of course not, we definitely want our hard work of gathering to have gone to waste to sate a inconsequential classmate's curiosity."

The toneless speech caused my temple to begin to throb again from headaches passed threatening to revive. I made the decision that i'd rather face R'ka'dek'na again. Anything to keep out of being in the same room with the medic for longer than a few breaths.

"Just watch the crates." I grumbled out before leaving the ship quickly. One more minute in there and I'd have been banished. For murder of course.

It was a relatively quick delivery so I headed towards my quarters to pick up the human, she should have been well enough to help me carry her food off the ship. The only problem was, when I opened my door there was no human to be seen. "Ooman?" I called out in confusion, the room was spacious enough but there was nowhere to hide from me.

I rushed inside and quickly flipped through my helmet's vision for any traces of her. But there were none. The room had no heat signatures save for the floor, there was nothing to prove she had been there at all for the past minutes, hours or even days.

When I knelt by the neatly fixed bed I knew she had left somewhere. Her scent was faint and everything was pristenly tucked and folded. It was untouched. "Ooman!" My pitch was harsh but I had to be sure I wasn't missing something; I had to be sure she was not playing one of her human games with me.

There was only silence for my answer. With a roar of frustration I punched one of the stairs beneath me full force causing the metal to bend slightly. But there was no time to bemoan the new imperfection. The human was somewhere on this ship, potentially by herself and potentially in danger. That is, if she wasn't already dead.

I charged from the room and routinely flipped through all the vision modes in case any of them would aide in my search. But one after another it failed to help me. There were too many heat signatures, too many Yautja and even though her kind smelled so different to us. I could not find her scent from the near hundred others.

I knocked over a young yautja in my rampage, he seemed familiar. Had I ran him over before? Shaking the thought from my mind I surged forward towards the servant's hall. Maybe she was there again with the creature.

With a quick scan of my palm the door opened to reveal emptiness. "Ooman?" I overturned seats and stuffed skins looking for her or for the creature but it wasn't there either.

"Creature!" I swore to myself if it had harmed her I would kill it. The creature had killed its master but its master was not me. And she was not its servant either. If it harmed her I had every right to kill it before I was shamed for my failure to complete my punishment.

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