Chapter Fourty-Three

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Her head snapped up immediately. She barely had time to register Lar'ja-thwei's presence before his clawed hands were digging into her shoulder and yanking her down the hallway. "What's going on? Did I do something? Is someone hurt?" Despite the pain, panic seeped in. Was it Kayla ? Was she hurt?

"Someone will be now, there is no doubt about it." His voice was tense as he continued on. "Elder Luar'ke and Kweide have entered into a... challenge. A fighting match of sorts".

"They what? Why?" Skylar quickened her pace, keeping time with him now.

Lar'ja-thwei looked at her then, "All I know is that they are fighting. I am assuming for one useless reason or another. Not that I ever expected them to fall to such behavior."

To say she was stunned would be an understatement. Both of them were calm, more collected than most of the Yautja on the ship, why would they fight? Her heart rate fluttered with anxiety for a moment. Was it because of her? All those times they had been tense around each other... she never thought it would get this far. But what could be the trigger reason or rather the excuse? Their culture was different but she couldn't figure out how this might have tied in. She sifted through reasons, weighing them all for their worth inside her mind. All she was certain was that the blame was hers.

"We're here." He only gave her that quick warning before the door slid opened and they both walked into the training room.

She nearly gasped at what she saw. The two faced each other in the middle of the indented ring. They both wore blindfolds as they circled one another. Kweide was bleeding but his short sword was surprisingly clean. She looked at Luar'ke, he was calmly parrying each blow with his shepherd's crook despite Kweide's alarmingly fast attacks. "What can we do?"

"Nothing, they've both agreed to this match so we are forbidden from interfering."

Skylar shook her head, "its stupid to let them continue. They're only gonna get hurt for nothing... I can't just stand here." She began to climb the railing from her spectating position but Lar'ja-thwei's grip stopped her.

"They may be foolish for this but you cannot stop them, it would bring you nothing but punishment."

She looked at the room of Yautja and then she looked at him, eyes watering before she flung herself over the railing and charged for them. It didn't matter what obscenities' Lar'ja-thwei was undoubtedly speaking behind her. In front of her she saw the two Yautja she cared about most intently trying to hurt each other. Within seconds she managed to slide her way between them, desperately putting a hand on Luar'ke. "Stop! Stop this right now!"

He pulled her close against his chest suddenly as she felt a sharp pain, a startled twitch of his mandibles gave away his surprise but that didn't stop him from slamming back Kweide's sword. She blinked in shock as she looked down, Kweide hadn't heard her in time. He'd sliced open a large portion of her back. The moment her blood dripped onto the dirt she was jostled as Luar'ke lifted her and simultaneously sent Kweide sprawling onto the floor with a swipe of his weapon.

The three of them froze there for a moment, no one moving until more ripples of blood flowed down onto Kweide's chest. Both Yautja ripped off their blind folds, Luar'ke looked at Kweide with stern eyes, and Kweide looked at Skylar's back with a mix of anger and guilt.

"Skylar I did not mean to hurt you. You were here from nowhere, and I, I-" He met Luar'ke's gaze and settled his eyes to the floor.

Before she could speak Luar'ke responded, "I warned you Kweide, I warned you that you could not handle this. You who is too obsessed with proving yourself. You do not listen." Skylar shook her head but he did not let her defend him. "And you, you threw yourself between us like a fool, injuring yourself. Do you have any idea the disrespect you have shown? The lack of self preservation? How can you expect to survive your Chiva like this? To become Yautja when you think so little on your actions?" He looked truly livid.

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