Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Skylar

(In case of confusion, the beginning of this chapter takes place back on the first day during the two weeks Kweide left for his hunt. And then continues from the current timeline. Also sorry for the late update!)

My first coherent perception was the well rested feeling sitting within me. I was warm and content amidst my furs and pelts but the fact I was still allowed to sleep was a shock for me. Kweide always woke me up. Admittedly I hadn't been here long but there was enough time to form a routine. And the light jolt to my side from his foot had become a common place wake up call.

Today was different, I had the chance to open my eyes and look around for a moment. It was nice at first to relax but it quickly drained away with one realization. Kweide wasn't there. "Kweide?" My voice was raspy from lack of use but I was perfectly awake. I waited for him to comeback, he had to eventually.

After at least an hour of sitting in silence I gave up and decided to leave the room. Aware of my injured hands it took me several tries to stand up and awkwardly make my way to the door.

Sighing softly I stared at the keypad, zooterkins. I could barely remember the way his fingers moved across the pad there was no way I could copy it with my heavily bandaged hands. "I'm going to die here alone." I grumbled out loud. I turned around to go lay down again when the door slid open behind me. Quickly, I turned around expecting to see Kweide staring down at me with his usual cold demeanor. Instead I was face to abdomen with fishnet covered obsidian skin. Working my way up in confusion the adornments of skulls and golden armor gauged my memory.

"Small bird." The Elder stepped forward and shook my shoulder in greeting though he stopped me before I could attempt to do the same. As much as we had talked alone within that time I couldn't shake my weariness of him, he was ranked far above Kweide and the power he held was terrifying despite his kinder disposition.

When we had spoken to privately yesterday I was beyond shocked by his more informal attitude, more than likely i'd bet his confidence and position of power had shaped that demeanor. He had constantly been assessing me as we spoke for those few minutes and in all honesty he seemed as curious of me as I was of him

"Elder" I tried to look down out of respect, the Yautja didn't like eye contact I was told, but he quickly lifted my chin to face him. Instinctively my eyes closed again and I felt his claw tap my cheek.

"Among ourselves you must face me small bird. It is no request." The Elder's order had me opening my eyes quickly. Yautja society was so confusing, first i'm told that now I am bottom of the barrel among these proud and dangerous aliens. Next I'm supposed to face one of the most honored warriors on the ship with direct eye contact? The very one that told me eye contact could get me killed.

"Yes Elder." I nod and force myself to bring my eyes up to stare into his. They were a predatory shade of amber, unsettling but beautiful. Which was quite the stark contrast to the rest of his face, through and through he looked like a crab human hybrid that crossed with some form of creature...and perhaps a porcupine too. My eyes were drawn to the quills surrounding his face and head, they added an interesting affect, even giving him a form of eyebrows.

"What are you thinking small bird?" He questioned as his held tilted, he stepped into the room so the door could close behind him and shut out prying eyes. No one could know how casual we were. I'd bet it wouldn't end well for him or me what with his society's low view of humans -or Oomans as they called us-.

We had only spoken for a short amount of time but his willingness to truly speak to me was refreshing, I felt like I could breathe a little easier knowing the top dog wasn't so cold as Kweide. I had no idea if I could ever feel entirely calm around him but it sure as day was easier to be myself. And even a small amount of the tension constantly running through all of me being released was something I'd cherish.

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