Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23- Skylar

Watching Kweide leave the room was troubling , especially since I had become dependent on his warmth. He wasn't as bad as usual lately and perhaps that was because having walls got a lot harder when you're forced to cuddle the person you dislike for hours on end.

I hated the human psyche sometimes, bonding with him wasn't the plan. He was an escape route. I wasn't supposed to humanize what wasn't human. But here I laid, actually considering getting along with him before I left. And actually sort of feeling a little afraid of being alone.

Was it too risky to allow myself to become attached? Perhaps, but maybe it could serve a purpose in the end. For now I switched my gaze to Elder Porcupine, he was watching me watch Kweide leave. But why?

"Small bird, how is your health?" His voice was even and inquiring as he sat down on the bed with one fluid movement.

"It's improving, I can even walk a little now."

"Wonderful, then can you walk with me? I have chosen to watch over you while Kweide is away."He was examining the room with disdain, the longer he was in here the more agitated he seemed. And then a thought hit me, he 'chose' to watch me? Didn't he have better things to do with his time than watch a servant?

"I will do my best, though I can't promise I'll make it as far as you wish." My body was still protesting from the earlier exercises but there was no choice now but to move.

"Your best will be enough." His eyes gave encouragement as he helped pull me out of the bed. I began to waddle to the door when he stopped me. "Grab anything you may need, their return could be shortly or for an earth day's time." He quirked a quill brow at my hesitant pause."Small bird?"

"Yes Elder." I bowed slightly as an apology before I made my way over to my tech piece. The cube was locked shut again in it's complex pattern "It must have closed itself..." I muttered as I tilted it in my hand.

"Who gave you that?" Elder porcupine asked as he leaned against the closed door.

"Kweide." I looked up to speak to him and then back to the cube as I slid it into my hoodie's pocket. "He gave it to me when I said I wanted to write down his speaking progress." There was nothing else I needed so I walked to him as best I could.

"I see." Elder Porcupine looked thoughtful for a moment and then steadied me as I wobbled. "Head up, eyes down, and walk with dignity." His gaze was intense for a second as he checked me for assurance I could do this. It didn't matter if I couldn't because it had to be done, but his encouraging did help somehow.

Instead of speaking I nodded and he straightened himself as his mask of neutrality to my presence was worn once again. It wasn't like he ignored me as we walked but he didn't engage with me either. The feeling was different though from the one I received from Kweide's indifference. When I walked these halls with Kweide it felt like I didn't exist, I was merely an attachment at his side that remained unnoticed.

With Elder Porcupine...I felt like I was acknowledged. This wasn't cold ignorance, this was an air of challenge. I was beside him and though I looked down I was told to walk with pride. I was to hold myself with the dignity I had initially been robbed of. His saunter and aura commanded respect, awe, and obedience. The others could not, and would not say anything to him. And while I was beside him like this they said nothing to me either and stared with curiosity rather than laughter.

I was to be accepted whether they liked it or not, all because he acted like I belonged at his side. As if there had never been any other way and this was custom. His influence outranked Kweide's by thousands, something I had barely picked up on until now. I had been too focused on my surroundings and on learning how to escape that I had paid very little attention to how truly powerful he was.

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