Chapter Twelve pt 2

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Third person:

A small cry rang out in the house. The sound coming from a younger Kayla as she stood there, her hand pressed against her stinging face. She barely noticed the pain though, all she could think about was the screaming. Her mother was yelling at her, although the words she was saying never seem to register in her ears. They never did.

Her mother pointed to the pile of broken glass on the floor with one hand. While the other pointed to the door. Kayla couldn't help that she had dropped the dishes on the ground. They had been way too heavy for her, but she had been told to take all of them at once.

Slowly her head tilted toward the sliding glass door into the back yard. Being lucky enough to notice the butterfly as it flew past. Its blue and black wings carrying its small body gracefully through the back yard. Allowing it to land on the flower bush near the door.

Kayla straightened her back some, her interest in the lovely creature had spiked. And before she could stop herself she began to speak. "Hello Mr.Butterfly." She said quietly. "Mother look-" Another slap interrupted the small child. Kayla couldn't help the cry that fell from her mouth. She held back the tears that threatened to spill from her. She didn't want to cry, not in front of her.

"Never ever interrupt me!" Her mother snapped "You worthless child!" Her mother grabbed her arm, and began dragging her through the house to her room. Throwing the door open, she continued to shout at her while she through her in. Her yelling only ceasing when she had slammed the door. And with one click Kayla knew she had no choice but to be stuck in her room. A prison cell and sanctuary all in one. She may go hungry that night, but at least it meant she could have time to herself.

Kayla sat on her floor curled up in a ball clutching her stinging face as she finally allowed herself to cry. Her mind racing to find a memory that was much lighter to dull the ache in her heart. She wanted to remember a time when mother didn't hit her for small, meaningless things. She wanted to remember a time when her father didn't drink so much that him and mother were at each other's throats.

She allowed herself to lay there a few more minutes. Allowing the pain she felt to wash over her before she finally got up, and walked over to her window. She pulled back the curtain and pressed her face against the cool glass. Her eyes darting about as she searched for the butterfly again.

Much to her delight it was in the same spot as before. A small smile crept across her face as the butterfly took flight again, and began to fly toward her. Landing on the window pane as if coming to check on her.

Slowly she cracked open the window, looking at what she thought was its eyes. "I'll be okay Mr.Butterfly, I promise." She whispered. "This stuff happens all the time."

The butterfly surprisingly stayed in it place for a few moments. Standing there diligently as if it was her guardian angel. Watching, waiting for danger to come so it could protect her. The thought of such a thing brought the young girl a feeling of peace. Someone was watching over her, even if it was just a butterfly it meant the world to her.

"I better close the window now or mama will get upset." She whispered moving her hand up to grab the top of the window. As much as she hated to, she knew she had to. "and my cheek already hurts enough. Bye bye." She waved before pushing down to close the window.


Kayla let out a slight sigh as she turned her gaze away from the butterfly. Glad that the one thing that followed her from home was her hope. It was something her and Skylar would need a lot of if they were to make it through this.

Without realizing it, she had slowed to a stop and was just standing there. Her eyes watching the butterfly's powerful wings carry it across the pale blue sky. A smile made its way onto her face, and she found herself silently wishing she was the butterfly. So she could fly away from this and glide in the sky. Free from Dreadlock, and free to go wherever she wanted.

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