Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter 22- H'chakde

It wasn't long until H'chakde had left the training area as well, and headed straight to his room. His initial curiosity as to what the Elder was speaking to Kayla about, died rather quickly.

Time to himself was something H'chakde had gotten very little of during his punishment. Only when she was asleep did he get a little peace from her. So as long as he had a few moments to himself, the Elder could keep Kayla as much as he wanted to.

As soon as H'chakde entered his room, he began removing the few pieces of armor from himself. Once they were put away in their place, his real work began. Although the term work was in very loose use.

Reorganizing, and polishing up his collection of skulls and pelts was oddly soothing for the young warrior. Even more so now that the ooman was absent from the room. Not that she was loud and rowdy, but her presence made him very tense. She was just another reminder of the situation he had put himself in.

H'chakde hadn't gotten the chance to push her as much as he wanted during training. His desire for her not to appear weak in front of the other yautja, often clouded his judgement. More mistakes he couldn't often make, lest her wounds open up again, and he fail his task.


After H'chakde was satisfied with the state of his trophies, he moved onto polishing his armor. It wasn't until a little while later, that he heard a knock on the door. Bringing his attention away from his work and to the sound in question. He placed his chest plate on the table before he stood and opened the door. A low growl settled in H'chakde's throat when he saw who it was.

Kayla stood in front of him, hand pressed over her wound like it always was. Lar'ja-Thwei had accompanied her to his room, and stood right behind her. The two yautja exchanged a few short words before the medic disappeared down the hall.

H'chakde stepped aside for Kayla to enter, allowing the door to slide closed behind her when she did. He watched carefully as she waddled to her bundle of furs and dropped down onto them. Her mask melting away as the pain she felt began to show through. The pain she had always been good at hiding from other yautja.

That part about Kayla had always impressed H'chakde. She was able to hide her pain almost as well as a younger yautja. Even if she was only able to keep that facade up for short periods of time. One day, she would learn to get much better at it.

H'chakde made sure the door was locked before he went back to his chair. Grabbing up his chest plate, he continued his earlier task. Yet again getting lost in it, before the ooman brought him out of it.

Out of the corner of his eye, H'chakde could see her sit up from her furs. She said something in her language that H'chakde ignored. At least until she persisted.

"What?" He asked, his tone exasperated. The ooman fell silent a moment, an unsure look pulling over her face. Her gaze shifted around the room before returning to him. More specifically the armor held in his hand. She pointed at it tilting her head slightly.

"Why the mark?" She asked. H'chakde didn't understand most of her language, but he knew enough to pick up on what she asked. It was also a little help that she had picked up on some of his language in her time there.

H'chakde glanced down at the clan marking, just in her line of sight. He fell silent a moment trying to think of how to explain it to her. It was of course something she needed to know.

He pointed to himself, and then to the metal floor of the ship. "To show I have earned my place here." H'chakde responded.

Kayla tilted her head at him. The furry strips on her face pulling together as she looked quizitavley between the mark and him. She was still confused, but H'chakde was determined to make her understand.

Kidnapped (Predator Fanfiction) -Major Editing-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt