Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28- Kayla

"There has to be some in here." I grumbled as I rummaged through my bag, keeping my eyes peeled for any feminine products. Trying my best to ignore as he H'chakde stood not so far away near the door. His arms were crossed as he watched me like a hawk. Oddly, I wasn't as disturbed or irritated as I normal would have been. His gaze seemed more of one hinted with something unspoken than anything else. Something that reminded me much of someone I knew. Skylar maybe, or maybe more her Dad.

I tossed my bag back to the ground, letting out a frustrated sigh. It was pointless, the only thing actually useful in there was my extra pair of shorts. Why I chose to bring them over something actually important was anyone's guess. I was never really smart when it came to packing prepared. A plus however, I at least wouldn't have to walk around the ship half naked anymore since the little skirt H'chakde made for me didn't cover much of anything.

I leaned back, my muscles unwinding as my back came to rest against the side of his bed. My eyes closed as I began trying to mentally work through my cramps and aching muscles. Something that my exhausted mind seemed to struggle with at the moment. I needed a long hot bath, or maybe even a shower. Anything warm and that could clean me would be good.

"H'chakde." I muttered opening my eyes to look over at him. He seemed to slowly snap to attention moving toward me at the sound of his name. His actions didn't surprise me as much, seeing how much he freaked earlier. Thankfully he seemed calmer.

"Is there a bath here?" I asked. Pointing to the ground and rubbing my fist on my chest in circular motions to mime it. He tilted his head taking a moment to understand what I asked.

"Group. . .baths." He struggled to say. I tilted my head, was he talking about some kind of communal showers type thing? I wouldn't mind that too much. With the chance to wash myself with warm water, bathing in front of others was a negative I could easily ignore. It would be just like basic training.

Nodding slowly I gave him a thumbs up, before bending down to pick up my extra pair of shorts. I definitely would be needing those.

"That would be okay." I said trotting to the door coming to stop right in front of it. Turning my head I looked back at him again. "Can you show me where it is?" I inquired, pointing to the door.

R'kadekna had shown me a good bit of the ship but she had been too eager to begin training to show all of it. Either the showers were something she missed, or I had forgotten them. Seeing as the ship was huge, both were very possible.

H'chakde nodded as he moved toward the door, pressing his hand on the button to open it. Once the door opened he stepped out in front of me and waited only a moment for me to follow. I did so but at a rather sluggish starter pace. It wasn't until after a moment or two I made it back to my normal speed.

My eyes remained glued to H'chakde's head for only a moment before turning my attention to the ground. I was still curious about his panic earlier, and slightly annoyed by it too. But in a strange way I had felt comforted by it. I may be his punishment, but at least he took my safety seriously. If it was something major anyway. The memory of when him and I first fought would forever be engraved in my mind.

Sadly, he hadn't seemed to have enough sense to not try and fight one of the males in the medic room. What that entire squabble had been about I wasn't sure. I had been too focused on talking with the medic to pay attention. What parts I did manage to hear were lost in translation. Thankfully however Lar'ja Thwei had stopped them before things had gotten too serious.

I came to a quick halt to avoid running into H'chakde as he stopped. He took a step back toward the wall, moving to lean against it. When I looked up at him all he did was gesture with his arm to the doorway. We were here, and he more than likely couldn't follow me in. I gave him a slight nod before taking a deep breath, and stepping in.

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