Chapter Twelve Part one:

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Chapter Twelve: Third Person Kayla and H'chakde

All Kayla had felt in that moment was peace, and as if she weighed nothing at all. And it was the most pleasant feeling she had ever felt. No muscle aches from the tons of walking she had been doing over the past few days. No fear of the future, just pure bliss and warmth.

Sadly, it didn't last for long. As if a switch had been flipped, all her fear rushed and her body began to plummet toward the ground. But before her body could make contact with the solid surface below her everything went black again.

Kayla sat up in her bed gasping loudly, "It was just a dream." She tried to tell herself, but it was a sad fact. She was stuck here again. She let out a sigh running her fingers through her greasy hair. Feeling frustration from the icky feeling it gave her. Nonetheless she brushed it off and turned to the still sleeping Dreadlock just a few feet away from her.

Her attention for some reason remained on the creatures dreadlock like tendrils. For some reason, she had a sudden urge to run her hand along them. She already knew what they felt like because of their previous 'battle.' But she only got to touch them for a split second before being forced to let go.

Not being able to resist the temptation any longer, she stood and quietly ambled over to him. Climbing onto his bed so she was closer to his tendrils. She studied him for a few moments, unsure of her next move. The thought of how he would react only briefly ran through her mind.

He could very much throw her across the room again, with much ease. She cringed at the reminder of how her back ached for days after. But the brief moment of contemplation was not enough to stop her. If he wanted to harm her for touching his hair, then so be it.

She reached out taking one of them gently in her hands. She ran her hand along it stopping to trace the metal ring on it before finally letting it go. Soon she moved onto the next tendril.

This continued on for a few more minutes before a growl from the once sleeping form made her pause. She looked down into the eyes of the creature, before letting go of the current dreadlock she was fiddling with. "Morning Dreadlock. What lovely hair you have." She said sarcastically letting out a nervous chuckle as she slid off the bed and onto the ground. Taking only a few steps back.

H'chakde sat up letting out an annoyed growl as he glared at the ooman. The ooman pushed out her hip placing a fist on either side of her waist. She leaned forward slightly saying something in her own language with a snarky tone as she met the warrior's eyes.

H'chakde growled at this, he couldn't understand the oomans stupidity. She certainly knew he was stronger and that he could throw her with ease if he so wished, but she insisted on continuing her behavior. She had been nothing but a nuisance since she had first gotten there.

Silently he cursed the rules of his assignment before standing up and walking to his little armory to suit up for the day's hunt. He placed his bio-helmet on before grabbing a few shuriken, a medikit, his plasma caster and wrist blades.

He ran over a mental checklist making sure everything he would need was on him before turning to the ooman. Who was sat on her bed watching him intently. "We are going on a hunt." He began gesturing to his weapons then to the door. "You must behave and stay close, it can be very dangerous for your kind on this planet."

Kayla tilted her head slightly confused but nodded nonetheless, the ooman pointed up to her bag on the trophy shelf. "May I have that with me." Her words weren't very well translated but her message was clear.

The warrior shrugged reaching up and grabbing the pack tossing it down to her. The ooman bared her teeth rushing for the bag squeezing it tightly. H'chakde was slightly confused by the oomans actions, but brushed it off. A lot about her confused him. He gestured for the ooman to follow him as he approached the door.

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