Chapter Forty-Nine

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Skylar coughed as she took a sip from her water pouch. She had to finish at least two a day for her body to cope with the medicine and painkillers in her system. Otherwise she would dehydrate so fast that she'd be sent to Lar'ja-thwei for another extended period of time. Frankly she would rather suffer the pain than his silence. It was the only period of time where she couldn't seem to fade into her own mind. She was too afraid to slip away. But safe inside Kayla and H'chakde's room the hours just seemed to pass without reason since... they had completed their chiva. She stared at the silver walls inside her place of stolen comfort. They were silver like Kweide's room but the comparison's ended there. H'chakde's own style had too much of an effect on the space around her.

"You almost ready Sky?" Kayla asked, fastening her newly sewn shirt tighter around her waist. It had been her busy work, making the new clothing item while she tended to Skylar and worked on healing her own wounds.

"Yes," she smiled as she stood. It wasn't easy considering the fact that the queen had completely shattered her tibia, but if there was ever a moment she was thankful for the Yautja's medical knowledge it was now. Her leg would heal in half a year at most. If she played it right she might even be able to jog or run one day although most of her movement would be reduced to a walk. She wasn't sure how to explain the metal tech they had inserted into her leg to the government though. If she was allowed to keep it. It sent her stomach rolling at the thought that they might remove it from her leg before she went home.

Kayla moved closer to Skylar's side, her arm extended out as an offer of help. "If you need to stop, or lean on me on the way there feel free to Sky." Kayla's own leg was already healed due to the help of the yautja's medicine but Skylar worried still about those injuries. What aches they may be causing her friend.

She took Kayla's offer to steady herself as she slipped her crutches under her arm, they were fashioned from a lightweight metal and padded with leather. "I'll let you know, I promise". It slipped from her mouth very easily but actually doing so was an entirely different matter. "Let's go," she tried to smile more but the strain hurt her face so she started focusing on moving forward instead. Her foot thumped heavily against the ground as she embarked on the farthest walk she had taken since returning to the ship.

Kayla nodded, remaining by her side as Skylar headed for the medbay. She hadn't been too keen on allowing Skylar to go back to her room after but Skylar had told her she would be fine and Kayla believed in free will more than anyone Skylar knew. It helped that N'kai offered to shadow her there after the checkup.

She would be glad when she could just go home. She wanted to be coddled, to be held by her father the same way he always did when she was hurt as a child. No matter the pains she faced, her father's arms were there waiting for her. They were her safety bars in a scary world. She hated that she was losing the other half of her stability in the process. "Thank you for helping me back," she smiled gentler at Kayla this time as she stood in front of the doorway to the medical center. It was a clear enough message of parting despite how much Skylar wanted Kayla to stay. She knew she would, Kayla had asked her many times if she was prepared for that walk back and if her leg would permit it. But it didn't seem right to rely on her anymore than she already had.

"No problem Sky, I'll be sure to bring dinner to you tonight. I can even leave it outside the door if you don't want to chat any."

Skylar nodded, staring with both anxiety and a smile. Part of her wondered if Kayla wanted to say more, she had such a hesitant look about her lately. Her actions were sure and her words were too, but the way her body moved and how her eyes looked after her, always softened, confused, and awkward. Maybe she didn't know what to do with Skylar or the situation she was going through, there was no manual for this. No joke that could land without shattering the fragile mask around her heart. An impasse. Skylar wondered if the distance between them was something they both were too afraid to cross.

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