Chapter Thirty-Five

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Kayla was unsure of how much time passed since she had been pulled from the water. Nor could she seem to place where she was exactly now that she was free of the creatures of the pond. The only thing somewhat recognizable to her was the faint smell of fuel and metal, the lights overhead, and a frantic voice pleading for her to stay awake. But she didn't want to, the tired woman only wanted to rest.

Arms snatched her up from where she had been laying, causing a sharp pain to shoot up her back. It was the agony that shocked her back into awareness of her surroundings. She clung to the being holding her hoping to stop from bouncing in their grasp as they ran. They're destination? The medical bay was her only guess.

Kayla couldn't help but cry out, her nails digging deep into the arm of whoever was carrying her. She looked up meeting the gaze of the yautja holding her, H'chakde. From there her eyes traveled over his shoulder to Skylar running behind him, barely able to keep up with the frantic hunter. Skylar was fine, Skylar was okay. Though thanks to the pain Kayla felt, she was sure she herself wasn't.

She yelped again, her body jolted  as H'chakde forced himself to stop. The woman couldn't help it as her nails dug deeper into his skin. Her mind was too preoccupied with working through the agony she was feeling.

Lar'ja-Thwei was already opening the door for them, his eyes trained on Kayla's. "Put her on the table. Face down." He ordered.

H'chakde didn't respond verbally in return. Though Kayla knew she knew with the way his body shifted as he walked that he was obeying. Before Kayla knew it, her bare chest was on the cold metal table. Hands were still holding her arms as her own still held H'chakde's in an iron tight grip.

"Both of you hold her down." Kayla nearly jumped as another set of hands grabbed her side and pushed her down onto the table. Her arm was flipped over before something was shoved into her skin.

The wounded woman jerked, crying out at the burning stinging sensation that was added to her already existing pain. The hands on her tightened their grip to prevent anymore thrashing about. They held tighter still when something slimy was thrown on her back.

More searing agony erupted from the gashes running up her spine. Kayla kicked her feet in retaliation, hoping to shake the slimy substance from her back. The distressed woman only had the recognition of a faint purring sound before everything around her went black.


Cold water always felt nice to Kayla. It was grounding to her in one way or another. Whether she sought it to hide from the heat of the sun or humid air. Or she splashed it in her face to shake her awake. It was always a pleasant thing to feel, and the water she currently floated in, was no exception.

Her almond shaped hazel eyes remained glued to the world above her. Trained on a small opening in the trees that surrounded and towered over her and the pond. Through the break in branches, the afternoon sun managed to peek through. It's warming rays shimmering on the surface of the pond she floated in. Making the clear water shimmer and glow like diamonds. It kept her warm. While the cool liquid around her kept her from overheating. The perfect combination for the summer day.

Kayla breathed deep, her eyes fluttering closed. She basked in the warmth, and allowed herself to soak in the serene atmosphere. It wasn't until the water beside her shifted, and a presence could be felt that her eyelids shot open.

Looming above her, was a creature with green scaly skin with little bits of grass and moss that peeked out of its otherwise smooth head. Somehow its beak on its face twisted into a sinister grin as it screeched. Oh that god awful screech that made Kayla's ears ache. It dove for her before she could react. Its claws sank into her shoulders as it pushed her under the water's surface.

Kidnapped (Predator Fanfiction) -Major Editing-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora