Chapter One

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Kayla's POV

 Kayla couldn't hold back the laugh in response to Skylar's antics. A singular brow lifted slightly, her hazel eyes glued to the party hat atop her friend's head. "Are you sure that's good to wear on a hiking trip?" With the low hanging branches that could be blocking their path, the hat seemed to be a bad idea.

"Well i'm sorry I didn't realize i was hiking with the fashion police." Skylar chose to fake offence, throwing her hands in the air above her head. A few stray band aids falling from her pocket to the dirt below due to the movement. Though some were carried off in the wind.

Kayla rolled her eyes, tossing the bottle of sunscreen she held into the back of her silver jeep. Grabbing the top of the trunk she slammed it closed before turning back to look at her friend. Her finger pointed at her and a playful scowl on her face. "That's MISS fashion police to you." she corrected her friend with a laugh as she grabbed the black jacket from the roof of her car and tied it around her waist.

"Fair, but I don't think dark colors are good for the sun either Kayla." Skylar pointed out. Flashing a teasing smile she bent down to pick her back pack up from off the ground.

"I'll let the sass slide today since it's your birthday alright?" Kayla waved her pointed finger at the brunette. It was a joyful gesture, even if it wasn't her birthday Kayla would have allowed it. Skylar could have literally stabbed her, and the blonde girl (although hurt) would still grant her permission to get away with it.

Kayla adjusted her back pack on her shoulders. Her eyes traveling above her to the sky before moving to the beginning of the trail. "Let's get a move on."

The two had three days to get through, and the next campground was a far hike from their current spot. They didn't have a moment to waste. Skylar laughed before gesturing Kayla to walk forward.


After awhile of walking the trail, Kayla found herself getting bored. Sure the area was beautiful and gave off a serene energy. With lush trees that lined their walkway, their branches hanging over head, some high up while others were lower. The two even had a glimpse of the native wildlife here and there. But all of that was rather mundane, and no way would that do on Skylar's birthday. Her faithful friend deserved much more, a true adventure she would remember for months to come.

Kayla adjusted the cap on her head a she turned back to Skylar, a mischievous grin pulled across her face. "Wanna go on a quick adventure?" She asked, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead.

Skylar halted and adjusted her ponytail as she seemed to debate the question. Finally she looked at her golden haired friend weirdly, her eyes curious. "What do you mean, I thought this was our adventure."

Kayla shook her head, her hands moved from her cap to her hips. "No my dear friend, this, THIS, is only the half of it." She spun on her heel to face the trail before them throwing an arm out as she did so. "We must venture into the great unknown. Male a new trail for us and those who come after us."

She turned her attention to another part of the forest that was heavily littered with sticks. "As a great man once said, adventure is out there!" She said, anticipation burning wildly behind her eyes.

Skylar shook her head, laughing as she brought the palm of her hand to her face. "Alright, alright, already. I swear you're so over dramatic. But if we get lost I promise I'll never bake for you again."

Kayla only nodded as she jumped toward the opening in the trees. "We won't Sky, I promise!" She assured her friend. Mapping had been her speciality during basic training. Even without a proper map in her hands this would be a piece of cake for her.

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