Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter 33- Skylar

The day after surgery wasn't exactly planned out for Skylar. She'd spent most of the night before sleeping or drinking from her medicine cup. So when she woke up with her throat a little less sore and feeling like she was just recovering from a case of the flu, she smiled. It felt good to just lay in the bed and stretch, it reminded her of home.

Her heart ached for a moment as she thought of her fluffy comforter, her pets, her dad... It was easy to miss Saturday mornings at home. With a groan she covered her face and shook her head, there was no use getting caught up in the longing for them right then, she was already several steps closer to getting home. She was in training now for the big leagues and the big leagues meant a one-way ticket back to earth.

Ferdinand made a soft chirping noise from the end of the bed, she looked between her fingers at her Friend? It was kind of a vague line really. She cooed to him and he came closer, nudging along her fingertips for a nice rub. Skylar obliged with a tender smile. There were some things she would miss when she went home.

The door slid open but when she looked up to greet Kweide her heart stopped instead. In a relaxed but still golden outfit stood Elder Porcupine, he dipped his head in greeting and she pulled the covers over her head in response. Ferdinand gave a confused trill but otherwise remained beneath the cover with her.

"Skylar, I know you are awake...." She didn't remove the cover but she could hear his approach to the side of the bed. "I need to speak with you." When Elder Porcupine's weight pressed down on the blanket Ferdinand wiggled out from beneath it to growl at the seemingly unwanted Elder Yautja. "Skylar." He tried again.

She lowered the blanket slowly and pulled the still angry Ferdinand into her lap."Can't" Skylar gestured to the cup of numbing liquid by the side of the bed. She stared down at her little protector and her fingers absent-mindedly began comforting Ferdinand.

"I spoke with Lar'ja-thwei, a slight communication should be fine as long as I don't require too much for too long... do you feel ready for that?" Elder porcupine stared at her without any hesitance.

Her lips pushed into a slight pout before falling to a thin line. Skylar nodded and looked up at him, giving him her full attention.

Elder Porcupine kept eye contact as he spoke, "I understand that the circumstances of your capture were unfortunate-" At her raised eyebrow he paused before continuing "-and in several ways...they were my doing. " His large, onyx hands rested in his lap but she noticed them edging towards her. "You and Kayla were not bred for captivity like other servants... this punishment was a terrible decision... it was a juvenile mistake that I should not have made. I ... I apologize."  When the silence stretched on he looked away.

Skylar looked at him and her stomach began to fill with pity. The half a year she had spent with the Yautja had taken so much from her, her home, her safety, her father, and yet... she could not hate the one who bore the most responsibility for it. She sighed and moved her hand to rest on top of his. Whatever he was responsible for, he had also been good to her and Kayla and he had assured their safety until they began working for their freedom. That was more than she could have asked of any other Yautja Elder.

He looked at her hands when she gave him a firm squeeze. "Forgive," She pointed to him and then squeezed his hand again. "Kind. Good. There."

Elder porcupine's face faltered a moment before he squeezed back. "I am not so deserving of those words... I know I have been absent from your side for many weeks now small bird."

Skylar nodded but her other hand came to clasp his, "Gone. Hurt bad." She tilted her head. "But why?"

His amber eyes averted from her sincere gaze for a moment. "Did my absence truly hurt you?" A simple question, but one with not so simple an answer.

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