Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26-H'chakde

The few days H'chakde had been off the ship were long and tiring, but the hunt sure was good. The body of his kill laying over his shoulder, and the wounds on his person were proof enough of that. He hadn't lost his touch with the hunt entirely. His trip had been more than a little beneficial, giving him time away from Kayla. Just what he needed.

He almost found it rather irritating that it had to come to such a quick end. H'chakde couldn't stay away from Kayla forever certainly. The thought of being able to go on another hunt soon was what calmed him. Even if he would have to take Kayla along with. She would need the experience anyway.

Her training had been spent doing the bare minimum due to her injuries. A hindrance he had to remind himself of many times. It was hard, but he did so.

H'chakde wanted so badly to push Kayla past her limit for so long. However now that she was in better condition he could certainly begin doing that. 'This will definitely be fun.' H'chakde mused to himself, as he adjusted the kill on his back.

"I see you've returned." A voice brought H'chakde's attention to behind him. Guan-Bhu'ja, his fellow trainer approached him. Both placed their hands on each others shoulders and shook them lightly in greeting. H'chakde wasn't really social on his ship, but him and Guan-Bhu'ja had a mutual respect for each other.

"I have." H'chakde adjusted the kill on his shoulder again. Half because it was starting to slip, but the other was because he wanted to bring attention to it.

H'chakde already knew he was a worthy hunter. He had many trophie's and scars to prove that. So Guan-Bhu-ja's validation wasn't what he was looking for. It was just satisfying to show off his kill to him.

Guan-Bhu-ja regarded it with a tilt of his head before he continued speaking. "I see you were also successful. It seems you and your apprentice both had an eventful time in each others absence."

Although H'chakde was proud to hear that, he was also confused. What had Kayla been doing while he was away? "Did she continue her training while I was gone?" H'chakde asked.

He felt agitated at the thought, and that surprised him. He didn't need Kayla picking up fault techniques from other Yautja. Especially one that could get her further injured or even killed.

H'chakde would allow her to die while hunting. He actually preferred that if she were to die it would be that way, it was certainly an honorable death. However he didn't want her to die before she could make it into the clan.

"Not by choice I suspect." Guan-Bhu'ja replied, amusement in his tone as his mandibles clicked together. "But R'kadekna seemed to insist on it."

H'chakde's blood turned cold and bubbled simultaneously at the mention of that name. The reminder of the beating he had received at her hand, made him in even less of a hurry to go collect Kayla. He surely could take his time with it.

"Last I checked, they were both in the Kehrite." A thoughtful look pulled over Guan-Bhu'ja's face as he spoke. "Been in there for most of the day."

"I see." H'chakde said, trying to keep his emotions from his tone.

The two bid each other a quick farewell, and H'chakde began his treck back to his room. His movements somewhat hindered as he walked under the weight of his kill. He needed to put it in his room, before he went to go get Kayla.


When H'chakde had reached the kehrite, he was glad to find Kayla there. R'kadekna however, not so much.

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