Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Skylar

Skylar fought to stay awake while she was under Kweide's gaze. It was unsettling and if she hadn't been exhausted and possibly dealing with a minor concussion she would have succeeded. Her stuffed animals and fishtank light weren't there to give the illusion of safety though. They were all back home and she was here.

She watched him for a few moments longer before her eyes closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep. There was safety inside her mind. Far, far away from him.


When Skylar woke, a feeling of relief settled itself inside her chest. There was a soft orange glow permeating from a window above them. It cast the light in such a way that only her and her bed were aglow with it. The rest of the room remained shrowded in the now pleasant darkness.

She wanted to peek through the window, just one glimpse of whatever star they were passing by. Something foreign, beautiful and yet familiar. She wanted to see that so badly. 

Skylar glanced towards the shadow laying on the bed and stopped herself from moving. Kweide would catch her and then he'd probably punish her. Or maybe he wouldn't. It was harder to read him behind that mask. He never took it off and she couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath.

Pulled towards him like a sailor to the siren's call, she tiptoed closer, eyes trained on the silver mask beginning to glint with light. As the orange glow shifted she watched it cascade off his hair bands and armor. He was dressed for war and yet he was only sleeping. 

Skylar couldn't help but doubt that she would seem threatening to him. She could barely use a can opener, what could she hurt him with? As her eyes moved to his wall she spotted a weapon or two she could try to use if worse came to worse, not that it would stop him.

A flash of light brought her to stare back to his mask, highlighted now was a deep etching in the mask's left cheek. It was shaped almost like a leaf and simple in style. Below it, however, deep claw marks marred the smooth steel in a way so jagged and primal that they could only be real. Something had made those marks.  Her fingers itched to ghost across the indents or feel the design above them, it was lovely. 

Her fingertips were only a breath away when his hand reached up and stopped her cold. "Mo"

Skylar inhaled sharply and tried to back away, her heart hammered in her chest as she stumbled down. He was staring at her as he let go and she crumpled to the floor. She didn't really pay attention past that as she scurried for her bed in the safety of the light. 

She turned to face him the moment she hit the pelt bed, staring up at him as he stood above her. He was so tall it was terrifying. It took everything in Skylar not to scream as he approached her quivering form. If he decided to kill her she was mincemeat. 

"Mo," Kweide spoke again as he stepped into the bright orange glow. The world lit up in a shower of light as he moved and it took Skylar's breath away in more ways than one. She was scared but some part of her was enraptured by the beautiful light. 

He squatted down in front of her and put his thumb down. "Mo." As she watched she finally remembered what he had taught her. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, no I mean, I shouldn't, I won't ... it wasn't on purpose" Skylar sighed and curled into herself like a human armadillo. "I'm sorry. I won't try and touch your mask again." 

There was silence and she waited for some kind of punishment. He was her captor and that made him her enemy,  but she had to apologize. It was just her nature and it almost felt like he didn't want her there either. Kweide had yet to hurt her so far and that made something feel off about the whole thing.  Why was she here? 

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