Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen- Kayla

Kayla sighed as she exited her work building. The long day had worn her down greatly and she wanted nothing more then flop on her bed and sleep. After a quick meal of course.

The golden haired woman made her way through the parking lot. Balancing her plain silver travel mug on one arm. While doing her best to pull up Skylar's number on her phone, she needed to let her friend know she would be home for dinner that night.

She stopped right as she got to her car. Taking an extra minute or so to write up her text message before pressing send to Skylar. With her attention finally away from that, something else seemed to catch her eye. Her back tire to be more exact.

As she stepped toward it, a frustrated sigh and a few curses escaped her lips. It was flat. Kayla tried her best to resist the urge to kick her vehicle, as a glare formed on her face. Part of her hoped that the look would force the air back into the tire. Much to her disappointment however, it didn't.

Letting out out another sigh, Kayla unlocked and opened the drivers side door. She set down her mug and phone before pressing the button that opened her trunk. When she heard the satisfying click of her trunk unlocking, she applied the parking brake.

After retrieving the wedges from the trunk she placed them where they needed to be by the front wheels. Kayla made sure they were secure before she turned her attention back to the problem tire. Trying to run over the remaining steps of how to change a tire in her head.

She grabbed out the remainder of her tools before kneeling down in front of the tire. "Alright so first we loosen these things." She said to herself quietly as she began loosening the lug-nuts. She didn't need to take them off just yet. With that done, she began looking around, she was forgetting something, she knew she was.

A frown formed on Kayla's face as she stood. Her gaze continuing to study her surroundings as she struggled to remember what is was. As her hazel eyes moved over the couple of tools about her, it hit her.

She didn't grab the jack. As she glanced back into the trunk, she came to find that much to her dismay. She didn't even remember to grab it this morning. Another wave of curses rolled off Kayla's tongue more directed at herself than anyone else.

Day after day Skylar kept reminding her to grab it. "Don't forget the jack, you might need it one day if not today." Her friends words repeated in her mind like a broken record player. Making the woman's frustration intensify.

In a fit of rage she brought the wrench down on the bumper of her car. The metal tool slipping from her grasp and falling to the ground with a loud clang. The sound doing little to drown out her grumbling. She wasn't even sure what the smartest course of action would be at this point.

"You alright there?" A deep male voice cut into her own, bringing Kayla back to her senses.

She looked up, her eyes meeting a pair of cool blue ones. Her head tilting slightly at the sight of the man's dark hair, he seemed familiar.

"You wouldn't happen to have a jack would you?" Kayla asked, letting out a breath. "I kinda forgot mine at home." The man nodded, looking from Kayla to the tire, then back to her.

"All that cursing for that?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, I'm sure I have one just wait here."

"Will do." Kayla nodded, stooping down to grab up her wrench. Her face heated up slightly with embarrassment. She wouldn't have lost her cool so much over a stupid jack, but it was just the straw on the camels back. At least luck hadn't abandoned her yet.

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