Chapter Forty-Two

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"How is she?" H'chakde questioned as he entered the medbay for what had to be the fourth time in the past few days. He didn't wish to have Kayla exert more of her energy to humor him while he sat with her, but also couldn't keep from coming in to check on her. "Is she well enough to leave today?"

"Her charts are incredibly stable and since her symptoms seem to have disappeared you may take her. She's cleared to resume light training so long as you supervise her for the next few days." Lar'ja-thwei gestured to what had now been designated the human ward before he returned to cleaning down the metal table in front of him. Mid-wipe he stopped, "Although I must speak with her before she leaves, privately, would you mind bringing her down the hall?"

H'chakde was hesitant to allow that. Fearing Kayla straining herself would put her back in the same situation as before. However, Lar'ja-Thwei wouldn't have asked if he didn't think her well enough. He only gave a nod before heading toward the human's ward.

He was ecstatic to bring Kayla back to the room finally. Staying there without her had been odd in a way he wasn't sure he liked. H'chakde hoped she was just as excited, however, when he walked in, Kayla seemed off. She smiled at him, but it was different than the ones she usually gave him. Her eyes lacked a certain something he was always used to seeing. Perhaps that was just due to her getting over her sickness.

"I'm cleared to go?" She asked as she placed some of her belongings she had brought to her in her colorful cloth bag.

"Yes, but Lar'ja-Thwei needs to speak with you before we return to our room."

She slung the bag over her shoulder, waving away any attempt H'chakde made to take it from her. "We should hurry then, best not keep him waiting." She said exiting the room to where Lar'ja-Thwei would be. H'chakde hung back, lingering in the room in hopes to give the two some privacy.

"Ah, how was your rest? Are you feeling well enough now?" Lar'ja-thwei kept up his scrubbing before he moved to the next table.

"I am, thanks to your help I'm recovering from Liabetes faster then I thought I would." She rubbed the side of her head a little, feigning a headache.

His face remained serene as he wiped, "I am glad to have done my job well, you may leave now if you wish." She nodded to him and made it to the doorway before he stopped her. "Oh, and Kayla?" She turned to look back. "The next time you and Skylar wish to create a human illness to suffer from, talk to me first. It is a lot of work to balance."

Kayla's eyes went wide as she looked back at him, but she didn't respond. Only continued to walk out to meet with H'chakde.


H'chakde could sense things were off with Kayla by the time they had made it back to the room. Really off. She carried herself like she just finished an intense training session with R'kadekna, shoulders slumped an exhausted look in her eye. Though they had only walked down the hall from the medbay. It was odd, and H'chakde wasn't sure how to fully describe it. She had enough energy to lift herself up, and flop on the bed, but her eyes drooped still like they did the times she asked him to lift her on it when she couldn't.

"I was thinking, we could work on making trophies of your kills," H'chakde said, they had already cleaned them when they first returned from their hunt. Kayla hadn't wanted to wait till the morning since the rot would have bothered her nose. But, with how quickly she had come down with Liabetes, she hadn't had the time nor the energy to make anything of the parts she had left for herself. "If you feel up for the task that is."

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