Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter 34- Joint Hunt 

*Two months after the previous chapter*

"Kayla, up." H'chakde's gruff voice called to her, pulling her from her rest and back into the present. The human gave a small grunt in reply before pushing herself up off the bed. Kayla rolled off of the bundle of furs her feet touching down softly on the cool metal floor.

"I'm awake." The half asleep blonde muttered. She brought her hands above her head, twisting her body one way then the other until he tired muscles were stretched. "What's the plan for today." She asked, reaching for one of the leather strips on the bedside table.

Kayla's hazel gaze flicked up to the yautja in front of her. Watching him closely as her fingers ran through her oily hair, pulling out as many tangles as possible so pulling it into a ponytail would be easier.

H'chakde stood in front of his small collection of weapons hung on the wall. His yellow eyes traveled over each and every one as he studied them, and debated which to choose. "We will go collect rations," He said, grabbing a bone knife and a small spear from their respective hooks.

They were two of his oldest weapons, worn down from use but still usable nonetheless. It would have been preferable if he was sending Kayla on the hunt with her own weapons, but she had none. So these would have to do until he had the opportunity to remedy that problem.

"After we do that, we will meet up with Kweide and his ooman in the ship bay."

"You mean Skylar?" Kayla corrected him.

"Yes, Skylar." H'chakde tossed the spear to her, Kayla barely catching it in her hands. The correction irritated him, but he wasn't in the mood to argue with her.

"Oh goodness! My very own spear!" Kayla commented with mock joy as the hunter held out the bone knife for her to take. She watched his tresses sway side to side as he shook his head. It was his turn to correct her.

"These are for you to borrow. Soon you will get your own weapons." He told her hands reaching up to pull at the leather straps of his armor.

"What are you doing?" Kayla asked as he pulled off his chest plate. "I thought we were going hunting."

H'chakde waited till he stripped down to only his loin cloth and shoes to answer her. "R'kadekna suggested we hunt without armor this time around." He told her before turning around to give her some privacy. "Remove your poncho."

Her clothing wasn't exactly armor. It was too soft to protect her well. However some of the clan could consider it light armor, and H'chakde wouldn't take that chance.

If it hadn't been for the bandages wrapped around Kayla's breasts, she would have given much more of a fight. She was by no means shy, being okay with showing a little skin here and there. Though she wasn't very keen on running around a foriegn planet in just shorts and sneakers. Both of which were barely hanging together by mere threads.

"But why?" She asked, almost surprised when she didn't get an annoyed growl as an answer.

"Both her and I thought it would be a good way for you to show off your skills, and strength." The hope was it would win her some respect from the clan members that still doubted her. Though even H'chakde didn't blame them.

Her first hunt was barely even considered as such, not something very ideal. This time would be better, the young warrior was certain of it.

He grabbed his own weapons before he stepped to the door. He looked at Kayla as she nodded and followed behind him out of the room even she considered her own. They slipped into the hall of the ship, the human coming to walk beside her mentor with much ease.

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