Chapter Twenty-Nine Pt.1

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A/N { So sorry for the long Hiatus guys! I was supposed to be responsible for this chapter and then I started college! That really has had me going through the ringer XD. But don't worry! You're ever faithful -if not late- Admin Sapphire -me!-  finally has things together! SO, without further delay, enjoy part one of chapter Twenty-Nine ;) }

Chapter 29- Third person Omniscient 

If Skylar had one regret as she faced certain doom, or what she believed to be certain doom, it was not talking to Kayla. Especially since she had had no one else to go to during the nights following her shower. She missed staying up late talking with her best friend. Giving your soul a deep clean was needed every few months just like anything else that required upkeep.

The problem at the time had been those female Yautja. They were too intimidating, not to mention out of Skylar's ranking by a long shot. If she let them see her weakness it wouldn't matter what she could do. She'd be humiliated.

Everyone was above Skylar but that was going to change soon. She had been determined to be her best friend's equal before the hunt was done, after all, it shouldn't just be Kayla working hard to get them home.She had held hope she'd be able to lighten the burden somehow. However, it died quickly when she actually landed on the planet her and Kweide were supposed to be hunting on. The place was a horror show.

"So... we have to hunt things here?" Her large blue eyes moved across each part of the surrounding area with disgust. It was a swamp. A smelly, grime covered, swamp.

"Do you see somewhere else? These are our coordinates, our hunting grounds begin here Oooman." Kweide dropped down into the murky water below,it fell just under his butt. Naturally, that meant it would be waist deep for Skylar.

"They begin here, but where do they end?" She asked as she followed suit. She hated it. Each squishy muck filled step was horrible, more so because she had expected land. Part of her was a little envious because the recordings had given her false expectations of a wonderland. All she had now was the heebies and sopping wet shoes.

"They do not end. The whole planet is our hunting ground." Kweide took the lead and began sloshing through the water. If anything were to jump out at them he at least wanted to be ahead. A surprise attack on his human ward would be catastrophic to the hunt.

"So, technically we could go somewhere else?" She glanced up at him as he let out an exasperated huff.

"Yes Oooman, we could go elsewhere, but we will not. Not yet. Our first adversary must be here." He was exhausted already with how she was behaving. Being beside her was not usually so difficult but her complaints were driving him to anger as he was already on edge. Knowing the Elder and the rest of the ship would soon be viewing the hunt was nerve wracking.

The familiar whirr signaled the metal watch bird's arrival. It nearly made him snarl.

He glanced down to the beacon remote hybrid in his hand, should the bird ever endanger their kind's secrets, the erasing button existed. He would not need the remote portion on the uncharted planet but the beacon was more than necessary since no one would be able to track them otherwise.

Given their odds, he held out the item for Skylar to take. She was useless to him in the hunt so she might as well hold it away from danger. He did not plan on having her kill more than a single creature anyway. Just one to prove her worth to the clan and then he could carry on with her out of the way. Assisting when needed but ultimately staying safe.

"What's this?" She tilted her head, reluctant to take whatever it was from him. She was liable to drop something and if this was important she was nervous to have it.

Kidnapped (Predator Fanfiction) -Major Editing-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin