Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30 - Kweide

The ship was quiet on the way back. The two, both Yautja and Human, were exhausted to their core. Nearly dying can do that to you.

Kweide turned his tired gaze on the human sleeping closely to his side. She hadn't left his line of sight since the falls and he wasn't allowing her much space anytime soon. He'd had his wake up call, she was much stronger than he gave her credit for but she wasn't indestructible, the human could die easier than he could.

His fingers toyed with her wet hair, she'd need a warm bath to make sure she didn't catch an illness. Afterward, they could both see Lar'ja-thwei for a better inspection. For now, he just wanted to watch her breathing, that delicate up and down motion put him more at ease than anything else. Fondly, he allowed his fingers to ghost past her mouth. Old habits die hard.

"Kweide?" Skylar's voice was tired and groggy as she began to wake. Her round face turned up to look at him and he moved his hand placement to her barely noticeable cheekbone. It was odd that they were beginning to form, she'd lost much weight since joining the Yautja. With worry he glanced at her sides, maybe he needed to feed her more, then again, she seemed to be getting stronger despite that change. "Are we almost back?" She began to sit up and unwind herself from his side.

"Yes," He replied. 

"Good, I just wanna sleep in our bed." She murmured, her throat sounded raw as a raspy change began to overcome her usually soft tone.

Kweide paused, she had just taken partial claim to his bed. When he let that prance around his head he found that it wasn't exactly wrong. His bed had long been passed being his alone. He just hadn't acknowledged it before. "We will rest, but first we will get clean."

She nodded once and then leaned back against the wall. "Just one step at a time right?"

"Right." He said.


When their little ship docked, both Skylar and Kweide began to gather their kills. He was grateful that despite the rapids the trophies had washed up on the shoreline for them to take. "I'll be right behind you, why don't you start out?" Skylar said, she was tying the big deer she killed to her back, she had wanted to show off just a little and he believed she had earned it.

Kweide merely nodded before leaving to the exit ramp and flipping the switch. To his surprise, the familiar hiss of the lowering door was not the only thing greeting them home. Waiting outside was a morose looking crew of Yautja. All of whom were looking directly at Kweide, two with accepting dread and a third with a hopeful gaze.

"The Ooman, where is she?" Ne'kai stepped forward, he seemed the most energized of the bunch. "I wish to congratulate her on her work."

"Ne'kai!" Elder Lar'ja growled at the young warrior. "You know what has happened."

"She would not die, Elder, I am sure of it." Ne'kai shook his head. "I do not mean to insult you but the Ooman said she wanted to go home, she is determined." He shook his head again and stared past Kweide in waiting.

Elder Lar'ja looked away, remorse flashing across his face before he spoke to Kweide. "I had hoped she was strong enough for this. I was wrong. This is my oversight, I will not condemn you for that Kweide. We will... rediscuss your punishment with R'kadekna."

"What do you mean punishment?" Skylar walked down the ramp with a confused look. Although she was dragging the deer behind her, the anger on her face made it clear she wasn't noticing the strain yet.

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