"It was him, wasn't it?" I asked with venom in my voice.

He pressed his lips in a tight line and looked away, wasting a few more seconds of unease before nodding and bitting his lower lip.

"What does he want from me?" I said, desperate to know the answer.

"I think you already know the answer to that question, Rebecca." he said, locking eyes with me.

I frowned and shook my head slowly. That was actually unexpected. But I knew what to say next.

"He said I have to leave you."

"I know. He told me I have to kill you as soon as possible." he said, unfolding his arms and taking a step closer to me.

"That was why you were about to stab me that night." I said, narrowing my eyes as I remembered his shaking raised hand holding the knife in front of me.

"That's why I brought you in the city in the first place," he huffed, looking around and digging his hands in his pockets.

My jaw fell and my chest tightened. So this is why all this happened. So he could use me and kill me right afterwards. Do you need any more proof? I couldn't believe it. Everything seemed so fake now, like everything he did or said was a lie.

"I'm just a part of your plan..." I mumbled shocked, my voice small.

"I told you that before, didn't I?" he looked at me, his face showing nothing but uninterest.

"Yeah," I said, nodding and narrowing my eyes at him. "Yeah, you did." I walked past him and quickly went to lay on the couch.

It hurt, it really did. Hearing Harry repeating I'm nothing but a part of his plan hit me, hard. I just thought that maybe after taking that key, he would leave me out of this plan. But we're still here, in the city and he didn't tell me anything about that plan.

"I just want this to over.." I muttered, lying on my back and pulling the blanket up to my chest.

I wasn't going to sleep in that bed, hell no. I was too scared to even look back at it. I closed my eyes shut and tried to sleep, but all I ended up doing was crying myself to sleep. Just like the first night Harry took me as his hostage.


He kept whispering to me, his words clear and his tone strong, demanding me to do only one thing.

Leave Harry alone.

His voice was everywhere, I swear, I could feel his presensce in the room. He was surely watching me, since I felt a pair of intense eyes glaring down at me.

I whimpered and tightened my grip on the blanket, hiding most part of my face underneath it. I didn't want to open my eyes, I was not prepared to see him again.

"Rebecca," he called for me, his creepy voice sending shivers up my spine.

"Go away...please," I whispered, my voice muffled by the blanket.

"Rebecca," he said my name again, only that this time he laughed after saying it.

"Please," I begged quietly.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut and moving my legs furiously.

"Rebecca!" he snapped, grabbing my arms and pulling me up to sit.

I shook my head and screamed, my eyes still squeezed shut. I just wanted him to leave me alone, I couldn't stand any more pressure by Louis.

"Rebecca it's me-stop screaming!" I recognized the voice, and I could feel the relief course my body almost emmidiately.

I stopped fighting and opened my eyes to look at his green ones. He looked tired and he had black circles under his eyes, something that showed me he didn't sleep at all at night. I sighed heavily and he freed my arms before running a hand through his hair and sitting next to me.

The sun was burning my eyes and I covered them with the back of my hand before yawning. It was early in the morning, because when I looked at the clock on the wall it was 9:45. Yawning again, I pulled the blanket on the side and stood up. I stretched my arms and hands, since I didn't change sides for a whole night. Harry sat there and stared at me with tired eyes, hands folded and elbows resting on his knees. His chocolate curls were messy and pushed back, but a lot of strands were going to different directions.

"Are you okay? You look tired.." I said, staring directly into his eyes.

He closed his eyes and opened them sleepishly, his lips pressed into a soft line. I felt a little sorry for him, since I knew I had to do something with his state. Look at yourself, look where you're now because of him.

"Why did you react like that?" he asked, his voice deeper.

I swallowed hard. Where should I start? I looked away and rubbed my eyes since I was still too sleepy and shrugged lightly.

"Dunno, I just thought you were...him."

"Who?" his gaze was suddenly intense.

"Y-you know who." I cleared my throat.

My eyes landed on a pink box with a big white ribbon on it. I raised my brows in surprise and glanced at Harry.

"What's that?" I pointed at the box.

"I bought something for you." he said, his lips turning into a smirk and green eyes finally becoming brighter.


A/N: What do you think is in the box? What did Harry buy for Rebecca? ;) Could it be a dress? A condom? *bursts into a laughter*. I'm kidding hahah, or maybe no? :D Thank you for reading, lots, lots, lots, of loveeeee ❤❤

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