"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked quickly as I pulled her into my arms and brought her inside.

She stood hugging me before I took her into the kitchen and sat her up on the counter. I wiped her eyes and got her a glass of water to drink before I stood in between her legs and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly as I kissed the top of the head.

"Mmmhhh" she mumbled before she sniffles again.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I asked her as I hugged her.

"I'm just sad" she says quietly.

"But why?" I asked her.

"Because work has been very stressful the last two days and my boss kept yelling at me and I feel ugh" she sighs.

"I know you're having a bad day babe but everyone has bad days" I say.

"I'm sorry for crying" she says and she wiped her teary eyes.

"It's okay but no more tears now, we're going to have a fun night okay?" I say and she nodded as she took deep breathes and rested against my chest.

After a few minutes of me just holding her and soothing her, she was calmed and relaxed.

"Do want to change into your pyjamas or mine?" I asked her.

"Yours" she says as her lips curled into a smile as she grinned at me.

"Of course and then we can start our movie evening and eat pizza. We can play video games if you like" I say and she smiled.

She went into my room and helped herself to my closet pulling out a huge over-sized blue colour t-shirt I used to wear in college. She changed into the t-shirt and then unzipped her bag pulling out a scrunchie.

"Look and my yellow scrunchie" she says happily and I laughed as I watched her tie up her hair.

"Can we eat food and play video games before we watch a movie?" She asks and I nodded as I walked around to her.

"I haven't even kissed you yet today" I say as I grabbed her as kissed her face all over before pressing my lips firmly to hers. She giggled as I kissed her neck and hugged her tightly.

We sat and ate pizza, well she ate chicken nuggets before she put on the video games and pulled out her own controller from the cabinet. "I'm impressed you can set it up yourself" I say and she laughs.

"Come and play" she says as she crossed her legs and was ready to play. I went and sat beside her and groaned when I had to cross my legs.

"What happened?" She asks.

"My legs just hurt"

"Awe you old man" she jokes and I frowned shaking my head at her.

I huffed and crossed my arms which only made her laugh before she threw her arms around me. "Is the old man sad?" She teases and I looked away before I chuckled as her fingers started moving all over my my stomach in attempt to tickle me.

"I'm not ticklish" I say and she raises her eyebrow at me.

"Well I'm going to find it" she says as she lifted herself on to her knees and crosses her arms. I laughed at her attempt of trying to me intimidating.

She pushed me down and tried to tickle me, I rested my head on my hands as I watched her. She straddled me and her small fingers tried to tickle me as they were all over my stomach, chest, armpit and my neck. I wanted to laugh because she looked so cute getting mad but I knew if I laughed she would think I was ticklish.

"I give up, I just want to play video games" she says and I laughed. She leaned down and pressed a kiss before she was about to get off me I pulled her back down.

"Shawn" she says struggling in my tight grip as I kissed her and hugged her tightly.

"Let go of me! let's play" she says and I finally kissed her once more before letting go.

We started the game and as usual she ended up in my lap by the middle of the game and tried blocking my view by putting her hand in front of my eyes. I gave up in the end and just hugged her resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Shawn are you going to play?" She asks.

"Nope because you keep cheating" I say and she frowns.

"I can't play by myself when there is no competition" she says.

"I can't play if you're going to cheat" I argue back and she huffs. 

"Fine I won't cheat but will you play?" She asks and I chuckled before nodding.

We started the round again but I just let her win this time and she screamed and jumped around because she won and did her little victory dance. "I WON HA! I WON I WON" she sang as she stood and danced around.

I couldn't help but laugh at her and also admire her beauty.

By the end of the night we ended up eating too much ice-cream and donuts before falling fast asleep on the couch in the middle of the movie. I carried her to my bedroom and got her under the covers before I got under the cover with her.

I hugged her small body close to mine and she mumbled 'so sleepy' into my chest and I chuckled quietly before placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you" I whispered the words I reminded her with almost everyday.

Even though she never said it back I know she loves me and one day she will be able to say it back to me.

I smiled at her adorable face as she slept and then kissed her nose.

God she was everything to me, the only person I loved with my entire being.

She owns every piece of me.
A/N: Leave me questions please for a q&a!

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