(7) All Work and No Play Makes Jimmy a Dull Boy

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The Partner in Crime (A.K.A The Best Mate - Terrance)


Something buzzed in my ear and pulled me from my blissful rest.


Let me correct myself, something ANNOYINGLY IRRITATING squeaked in my ear and dragged me from my blissful and well deserved rest.

Great, my day was already off to a bad start.

I groaned in pain as I sat up, my head was pounding with the lack of sleep. I'd stayed up too late last night...


"Oh, for God's SAKE!" I roared as I brought my hand down on the alarm clock, consequently shattering it into a million pieces that scattered themselves all over my bedroom floor.

The sound resounded off of the four walls, probably echoing into the room next door.

Then, providing an answer to my thoughts, the door to my room slammed open as Jimmy appeared on the threshold.

He was still dress in his pyjamas, his eyes, which had previously been reduced to slits as they tried to avoid the light, where now wide open and looking in shock at the state of my alarm clock.

Two words left his mouth. As well as describing my current predicament, they also explained exactly how I felt at that time.

Those two words were:

"Well, fuck."


Over the course of the day, which to my delight, was a Saturday, I lounged around, doing nothing in particular. I had an argument with Jimmy about it being his turn to clean up once in a while, as he never does.

The attempt to get him to help around the house ended as it usually does;

I did it.

Jimmy, being Jimmy, just locked himself in his room (I don't know how he managed to do that as I'd removed the lock a couple of months ago after he got stuck in there) and listened to blaring music all day long.

Actually that's not true, he came out for the occasional bit of toast and cereal.

Something that was unusual for how our Saturdays usually go, was that we had an extremely brief conversation that went something along the lines of this;



"So, what you been listening to?"

"What? Can't you hear it? man you need to get your ears tested!"

"Hey! I can hear it just fine! I meant who is it?

"Right, sure you did...It's My Chemical Romance." Jimmy dragged out the 'i' sound in 'right', and the 'ur' sound in 'sure', much to my annoyance.

"Michael who?"

Jimmy laughed at what I'd just said and pointed at me with the knife he was using to butter his toast.

"Man, you REALLY need your ears tested!"

With that, he walked off back to his room, shaking his head and laughing all the way.

"Michael who, oh my god Terr!"

I, failing to grasp the funny side of my inability to hear what he had said over the blaring music, sighed and returned to the video game I was playing, only to find out that my character had been eaten by various alien/zombie creatures.

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