"I thought you were better than this" Jacob criticised, shaking his head at you again. You caught your breath and stood up again, glaring at him intensely. You weren't going to just going to let him push you around without putting up a fight.

You stepped towards him, keeping your head held high. You stared him in the eyes, both of you on edge, waiting for the other to lash out. You knew that Jacob wasn't going to, he was surprisingly patient. He wanted you to do something. So you did. You didn't show any signs before you punched him square in the jaw, smiling at the fact that you caught him off guard. You took a few steps backwards, putting some distance between him and yourself. Jacob's head turned to the side with the force of the punch, he reached his hand up to rub his jaw as he turned his head back to face you. "That's more like it" Jacob smiled slightly, but like the way a wolf would smile at a sheep before tearing them apart.

That's something strange that you noticed about Jacob. It was almost like he wanted you fight him, he wanted you to prove yourself as strong. He wanted you to impress him and, even though you wanted to rip his head off, a part of you enjoyed impressing him.

Jacob walked towards you, towering over you but you tried not to show any fear. You lunged forward, throwing another punch towards his face but this time he was expecting it. He caught your wrist and jerked it to the side, causing you to loose your balance and stumble forward. He hooked his foot behind your ankle and caused you to fall down onto your back on the ground. You groaned in annoyance and pain before you roughly kicked Jacob's ankle, causing him to stumble backwards, trying to regain his balance before he fell.

Before you could climb to your feet for the third time, Jacob approached you again. Before you knew it, he was straddling your waist and had your arms pinned above your head in one of his hands. You struggled beneath him but you couldn't improve your situation.

"You know, Deputy, if you would just stop fighting me we could work well together" Jacob informed you but that was never going to happen.

"I'm never going to work with you" you scoffed, trying to struggle out of his grasp again.

"You're right, you would work for me, like a good soldier" he hummed, watching you struggle with an amused look on his face.

"Fuck you" you spat as you managed to pull one of your hands out of his grip. You quickly reached for Jacob's knife before holding it up to his throat, pushing the tip of the blade gently against the underneath of his chin. "Got it" you smirked.

Jacob only raised an eyebrow at you as he slowly released your other wrist. "You have a blade to my throat, you could end all of this right now" Jacob informed you and you couldn't even understand your hesitation.

You gasped as Jacob snatched the knife from your hand, holding it against your throat. You sighed and let your head fall back against the ground, the more you fought Jacob the more hopeless it seemed. Jacob chuckled deeply, a sound that caused a strange warmth to surge through you. He lowered his face so that his lips were right next to your ear. "Just give in" Jacob ordered in a low hushed voice. You could feel his warm breath against your neck and his lips moving against your ear, both causing a shiver to run through you.

Jacob pulled away from you, looking down at your angry and flustered face. He slowly pulled the blade away from your throat before tucking it back into his thigh holster. You tried to sit up but he wouldn't allow that. His hand wrapped around your throat, roughly pushing you back down on your back. You were too startled to hold back or disguise the moan that left your lips.

"Now, that is interesting" Jacob seemed amused as he tightened his grip on your throat, not enough to cut off your air supply but the threat was definitely there. "You see, I thought you kept getting caught because you wanted another chance to kill me, another chance to infiltrate the veteran centre, but maybe...you just missed me" he mocked you with a smirk on his face.

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