Their Young Child Demanding Their Attention When They're Busy With Work

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Joseph Seed-

Joseph loved his child more than anything and it was no different when he was busy, but he still had to get his duties done. He was planning and writing his next sermon when his young child wobbled into the room and headed straight for their father with a large smile, they instantly wrapped their short arms around his leg and got his attention. Joseph looked down to see his child clinging to his leg and smiling brightly up at him. He smiled and brushed his fingers through their soft hair before picking them up and sitting them down on his lap. "What do you want Angel?" Joseph asked sweetly while picking up his pen again. His child just laughed and shrugged, and he just continued to write his next sermon. It would have been a lot easier without his child tugging on his shirt to get his attention and them babbling down his ear happily. By the time that his child pulled his hair out of his usual bun, Joseph gave up trying to write his sermon and looked at his child. How could he say no to that face? Joseph decided that he would spend some real time with his child and that he would finish his work later on, even if he had to stay awake later that night to finish.

Jacob Seed-

Usually Jacob's child would stay at home with you while he worked at the veteran centre, but you were busy today so his child had to go to work with him. He had never had them at the centre before and didn't really know what to do with them or how to keep them entertained. Since the child was young, Jacob decided to work in his office instead of training the soldiers himself today as it would keep his child out of harms way. He was sitting at his desk and planning for the next week or so, his child was wandering around the office and keeping themselves entertained. Then they got bored. They hurried over to Jacob and starting trying to climb on to his lap, Jacob groaned as he picked them up and sat them on the edge of his desk, holding onto them so that they don't fall. "Why are you bothering me?" Jacob asked with a straight face, just making his child laugh. To most people Jacob would seem mean by asking his child that, but his strange behaviour just amused you and his child. When his child starting messing up his already unorganised desk, Jacob gave up trying to do any sort of work and decided to just give in to his child's demands for attention. He only worked so hard so that he could protect his family, but his family came before his work.

John Seed-

John was often busy with the legal side of the project, he was thankful that his office was in his Ranch so that he could still spend time with his family. However, this would often lead to him not getting his work done because he was distracted by you or his child. This time it was his child, at first they were just walking around his office and keeping quiet so it wasn't a problem. Then they started trying to get his attention by talking to him and tapping his knee, smiling the whole time. John finally picked them up and stood them on his lap, so that they were eye level. "What do you want? How do I get you to be quiet?" John asked with a smile, you had often found him buying his child's silence or getting them new things to get them to behave. This time his child didn't want a new toy or anything like that, they just wanted their father's attention. John wished that he was strong enough to say 'no' to his child, but he could never do that, it was impossible! So he sighed and agreed to play a game with them, only glare at them when they tugged on his beard and laughed at him. It wasn't long before he was laughing along too, and messing up their hair.

Faith Seed-

Even Faith will admit that the most boring part of her job is to monitor the bliss, it's the only part of her job that requires her to slave away with a pen and paper. She much prefers talking to people. But she has to do what she had to do, and that meant having to fill in some forms. She was happy when you or her child you distract or interrupt her, but this was still important work. Her child walked into the room, unsteady on their feet, as Faith filled in more instructions for the bliss. The young child wandered over to their mother sat down beside her feet, they were quiet at first but soon started babbling about nothing which always made Faith laugh. Then her child started giggling and smiling up at Faith, tugging on the end of her dress. Faith smiled and reached down to stroke their hair. "Alright, I'll be there in a moment" Faith promised them but they didn't want to wait and continued to demand her attention. It didn't take much for Faith to just give up and spend time with her child, her work can wait and her child always comes first.


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