(6) Hand in the (Missing?) Cookie Jar

Start from the beginning

I then walked up the stairs to my own room, it was time to catch some 'zzzz's'. As I lay in my bed, staring up at the patterns in the ceiling, one thought plagued my mind. Though I dismissed it with a second thought.

That thought went something along the lines of this:

'What Terr didn't know, couldn't hurt him.'


The Comedy Duo (A.K.A Shelly and Mel) :

"...so she was so totally like, O. M. G. And he was all..."

I tuned out to Mel's gossiping.

This'll sound really mean, but it's what honestly I do most the time.

Well, when she says she has something 'important' to tell me anyway...

(it usually means that she's heard a rumour...you would've thought she'd learnt her lesson as far as rumours are concerned, but obviously not).

Anyway, who actually says 'omg' instead of 'oh my god'? It's just like saying 'lol' with no emotion instead of actually laughing out loud!

Ah! I don't get people these days!

"...you slaaaag! And then she was crying, he started shouting. So, yeah, she's now preggers and it's the old 'who's the daddy' again... So how've you been?"

I barely caught what had been said, but I'd thankfully managed to tune in in time to notice that I was required to participate in the conversation (wow, so many big words in one sentence, I think my IQ just increased).

"uuum, yeah, I'm..."

My reply was cut in half as I managed to walk into someone. Damn, I guess I really am geographically challenged, I just didn't realise by how much! I can't even walk round someone without something going wrong!

I dropped everything I had been holding and fell straight on my ass.

I looked around for Mel. The girl had somehow run off at warp speed. Mind you, the corner was only a metre or so away, she'd probably just walked round it.

I began to collect my things and stood up to face the person I'd so stupidly walked into.

God, he was huge... I couldn't exactly say 'didn't see you there, sorry,' without seeming like an idiotic, blind girl. I think my IQ just returned to its previous state, because say it, I did.

"I'm so sorry, I honestly didn't see you there..." God, I sounded demented, someone kill me now...

"Hey! Uuum, Shelly, right?"

My mouth fell open in shock as I recognised the guy from the bus (I thought the jaw-dropping thing only happened in fiction...obviously not).

"You remembered!" I smiled. "Terrance?" I paused to get the confirmation of his name. "Wow, fancy seeing you here! Wait, how old are you, aren't you way too old to go to school?" I blurted.

"I'm 17. Hard to believe, huh?" Terrance replied.

For the second time in just as many minutes, my jaw dropped.

To think, the guy was my age and went to the same school as I did.

I really must have been blind to not have noticed him before. Though his appearance explained the disappearance of Mel...

"Hey, I err, gotta get to class...I'll see you around?" I smiled and then went to join Mel around the corner. If I knew her, she'd be standing just where the wall turns and eavesdropping on Terrance and me.

I heard him say, just as I was about to turn the corner:

"Maybe you need to get your eyes tested. I mean, I am slightly hard to miss."

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