Chapter 23

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***Chapter 23***

One month later...

"Sora-chan!" Honey sang happily as he skipped towards his friend. She smiled at him.

"Hey, Honey." She greeted, she looked up at his cousin, "Hey, Takashi." He nodded his head back. Some time ago, Sora said she preferred the name Takashi over Mori, and declared that she was going to call him that from now on whether he wanted her to or not. He didn't mind in the least.

"Sora-chan, what are you going to do for your summer vacation?" Honey asked as the three of them headed to class. Mori watched as her face lit up with a smile.

"I'm going home." She said. Honey tilted his head in confusion.

"You're spending it at your house?" He asked, Sora shook her head.

"No, this is the first month-long break we've had from school," She explained, "So we're going back to New York for the Silverwolf family reunion."

"All the way to New York?" Honey asked in surprise, Sora nodded.

"Yeah, I'll get to see all my old friends," She said, the smile growing a little wider, "And," She added quietly, "I'll get to see my mom again."

"That sounds like fun!" Honey said, jumping up in excitement. Sora giggled at his cute behavior.

"So, what are you two doing for summer vacation?" She asked.

"Well, Takashi and I were planning another beach vacation." He said, "But Chika-chan said that would be boring. So instead, we're going to visit another country."

"Fun." Sora said, "Which one are you visiting?"

"We're not sure yet." Honey said, "But I was hoping we could go to Britain. Or Peru!" Sora smiled.

"Sounds like a little adventure." She said, she looked up at Mori, "What about you, Takashi? Are you going with him?" Mori nodded once.


"But, Sora-sempai!"

"But nothing!"

"But you have to! It's summer vacation!"

"I said no, Tamaki!"

This was the scene Haruhi walked in on when she entered the host club room. She saw everyone else sitting around, completely ignoring the argument between the two. She looked over at Kyoya.

"What are they arguing about this time?" She asked.

"Tamaki is trying to convince Sora-sempai to come with the host club on a summer vacation trip out of the country that he plans on treating us to." Kyoya replied, not looking up from his laptop.

"So, why is she saying no?" Haruhi asked.

"Because she's going to America for summer break." Kyoya said.

"She's going to America?" Haruhi asked in surprise.

"For a family reunion, apparently." Kyoya said, "And she's dead-set on not going on any sort of vacation with the host club." Haruhi shrugged.

"I couldn't go, even if I wanted to." She said, "So I guess I don't have to worry about it."

"Ah, that's right, you don't have a passport." Kyoya said, looking up at her. "That's a shame, seeing as you're the most likely out of all of us to join her." Haruhi shrugged indifferently. She walked over to the other side of the couch Kyoya was sitting on and waited for the fight between Tamaki and Sora to stop.

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