Chapter 27

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Soralia: shhh...don't cry..I'm sure it's not that bad. What could Renga do to a picture book to make it so perverted should be fine. Eh?

Me: w-well actually s-she...o-Okay....well let's try and get to the rooms built in kitchen there are cakes and ice cream in there that we can eat and hid at the same time.

Soralia: I like that idea, Sempai. *we popped our head out from behind the couch to make sure it was clear to move.*

Me: the rooms clear. Let's go.

Soralia: badass ninja mode activate.

* they started to army crawl on the floor towards the kitchen door.*

Me:So far so good.

Soralia: yeah and let's keep it that way too.

***Chapter 27***

The next morning...

"Sora-sempai~!" Tamaki sang happily as he knocked on the door to the house she was staying in, "Let's go! We let you have all of yesterday off because of your mom, but now it's our turn~!" He was surprised when no one answered the door. "Sora-sempai?"

"Hey, Boss," The twins said, getting his attention by pointing to a note on the door. He reached over and opened it, the host club read the note (Which was in Japanese) over his shoulder.

Dear Host Club,

Today's Sunday, so we've all gone to church, as per Aunt Eva's orders. If you're looking for Sora, she couldn't come because today's her day for baby-sitting Julia and the Sunday school services weren't happening today for some reason... Anyway! Sora and Julia are inside having fun. The door should be open. If it's locked, the key is under the mat. Take good care of them today!

With love, Isabella

"Oh." Tamaki said once he'd finished reading it. He reached for the doorknob and found it wouldn't open. Honey reached down and pulled the key out from under the welcome mat and held it up to Tamaki, "Thank you, Honey-sempai." He took it and unlocked the door. When he opened the door, he was surprised to hear the muffled sounds of music. The host club followed the sound of the music to the living room, where the sound system for the TV had been turned into a CD-player, with the music turned up very loud. What surprised them the most about the room was that both Julia and Sora were still in their pajamas, and that they were bouncing around the room to the music acting like a couple of idiots, singing along to the words.

Sora was in a large T-shirt and a pair of flannel pajama pants and Julia was wearing a simple pair of pink and white striped PJ's. Sora's hair was down and flopping everywhere as she shook her head with the music, along with having her arms move around, and her hips shaking. Julia was just jumping up and down in a dance that only little kids could make look good. Sora sung into a hairbrush, pretending it was a microphone, and Julia was trying to get the words right as she sung it, although, their voices couldn't be heard over the loud music.

"Well it's this sort of thing that gets me

to lose my mind

and it's the flash,

flashy eyes that make

it worthwhile.

and every time when we

we get together

we just fall in love again!

"All in all it's the perfect scene!

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