Chapter 11

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***Chapter 11***

A few weeks later...

"...The beach?" Sora asked, looking at Honey dubiously.

Honey nodded his head vigorously, "Yeah! My dad's having some important people come visit this weekend, so he's having Takashi take me, and Chika-chan to the beach! I invited the rest of the host club, too!"

"No thanks." Sora said, turning to the homework in front of her, "Never been very fond of beaches. Ask Izzy, though. She loves tropical places." Honey's lip jutted out into an adorable pout.

"But it won't be any fun if you don't come with us!" Honey whined, grabbing onto her sleeve. Sora looked up from her homework but didn't look at the tiny third year grabbing onto her arm. She let out an aggravated sigh.

"I can't, Honey." She said, "I have stuff to do this weekend."

"What kind of stuff?" Honey asked.

"Just... girl stuff." Sora answered vaguely, "You wouldn't get it."

"Is it a family thing?" Honey asked.

"No." Sora said.

"Is somebody in trouble?" Honey asked.

"No." Sora said.

"Is somebody going to die?" Honey asked, Sora took a moment to think about this, putting her hand to her chin.

"Well..." She shook her head, "No, probably not."

"Then why can't you come with us?" Honey whined. Sora looked down at him and jumped when she saw the face he was giving her. It had to be the saddest puppy dog pout she had ever seen. Sora let out an exasperated sigh.

"Look, Honey..." She began.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" Honey begged, making his eyes even bigger, and Sora jumped when she started to see tears in his eyes.

"Ack! No, no! Don't cry!" She begged, "I'll come! I'll come!" A smile flitted onto Honey's face.

"You promise?" He asked excitedly. Sora sighed again.

"Yes, I promise..." She groaned out. Her eyes widened when Honey jumped up and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

"Yay!" He cheered, he jumped off, "I'm gonna go tell everyone the good news! Bring a cute bathing suit!" He skipped off somewhere and Sora didn't get up after him. Instead, she smiled to herself and shook her head.

"He's too adorable for his own good." She muttered to herself, getting back to her homework.

If Sora had bothered to see where Honey was going, she would have found out that the entire host club (Minus Mori) was waiting around the corner for Honey. They looked at him expectantly as he came up to them.

He smiled and gave them a thumbs-up, "She said she'd come!" He said. Tamaki and the twins smiled, jumping up in happiness.

"Yes!" Tamaki said, "Now, operation 'Secret Beach Romance' is now in progress!" He looked back at the other hosts, "I'm going to go tell Isabella-chan! She's definitely going to help Sora pick out a good swimsuit!" He grabbed Kyoya's hand, "Come on, Kyoya!" He dragged him along as he went to go and tell Isabella the news. Honey looked back at the twins and Haruhi.

"You think this plan will work?" He asked. The twins nodded.

"Sure." They said, "Normally the boss's plans are stupid, but this one's full proof!"


"Ooh! This one's cute!" Isabella said, holding a little pink bikini. Sora blushed furiously at the sight of it and pushed it back.

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