Chapter 22

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***Chapter 22***

Mori sat next to his cousin as they waited outside the operating room in the hospital, across from them sat the rest of the host club, Kazuma sat with them. Honey sniffled as he wiped away tears again, he had been crying non-stop on the way over. Mori gently patted his head, trying to comfort him. His hand was shaking when he tried to help Honey stop crying, and Honey knew that he was just as worried as he was, maybe even more. Hikaru sat next to Kaoru, holding his hand in silence. Haruhi sat beside Kazuma, small tears rolling down her cheeks in worry. Kazuma was incredibly fidgety, his foot didn't stop tapping, and his hands kept gripping onto each other. Tamaki was the only one of the group that wasn't sitting down, pacing constantly across the floor. Kyoya was not among them at the moment.

The sound of three pairs of running footsteps caught their attention and they looked to see Isabella, Alfonso, and Kenneth running towards them.

"Where is she?" Isabella asked when she come up to Tamaki. He pointed to the operation room. She looked at it, then turned back to him, "What happened?" Her voice became thick with tears.

"Her stalker came after her." Tamaki said, his tone dull, "She got stabbed in the chest."

"Oh, God!" Isabella cried, she covering her mouth in shock. She turned around into Alfonso's arms and he held her close as she began to cry into his chest. He comforted her by gently rubbing her back.

"It's okay Izzy." He said quietly, "Just breathe, it's okay." Alfonso had tears welling up in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. He needed to be strong for his sister now, not fall apart like he wanted to.

"Is there any word on her condition?" Kenneth asked, the only one of the three who seemed to be composed. Tamaki shook his head.

"Not yet." He said.

"Have you contacted the police about the attack?" Kenneth asked.

"Kyoya said he was going to." Tamaki said, Kenneth only nodded once.

"Do you have any idea who could have done this?" He asked, Tamaki shook his head.

"No..." He mumbled, looking away. Kyoya walked towards the group and Kenneth looked over at him.

"I contacted the police." He said, "They'll be here soon."

"Whoa, Izzy, take it easy!" Kenneth's head whirled around and he saw his youngest sister was hyperventilating. Alfonso looked up at him worriedly, "She left her inhaler at home! I didn't grab it!"

"I did." Kenneth said, he walked over, pulling Isabella's inhaler out of his pocket and handed it to her. She took it and pushed down on the button at the top, breathing in as she did. She repeated this a few times until she calmed down, tears still running down her cheeks, but she only sniffled. Alfonso began rubbing her back again and she took in a deep breath, showing him that she was fine.

Everyone's attention was turned to the operating room as the doors opened and a surgeon stepped out. His scrubs were bloody as he removed latex gloves and his surgical mask.

"Brother." Kyoya said, catching his attention, "How is she?"

Kyoya's eldest brother, Ichirou Ootori, was the head surgeon on the emergency operation for Sora. He sighed as he disposed of the mask and gloves into the trash.

"The person who did this is either very smart," He began, "Or your friend is extremely lucky."

"What happened?" Kenneth asked.

"The person who attacked her, I'm guessing aimed for her heart." Ichirou said, pointing to where his heart would be on his chest, "But what happened, is they missed their target by centimeters." He moved his hand to a spot closer to the middle of his chest, "And instead, they hit the spot just between her lungs and heart without severely damaging anything. Her ribs are slightly damaged, as are her blood vessels, but it's nothing we couldn't fix. It's a miracle her heart or lungs weren't even so much as scratched."

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