Chapter 18

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***Chapter 18***

Kyoya impatiently tapped his foot against the concrete ground as he waited for Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru to arrive. He looked over at the warehouse Sora had entered and let out a small huff. If the situation hadn't been so important (He likes to keep tabs on the hosts' hobbies, occupations, and other means of using time) he wouldn't have been so anxious.

"What's wrong, Kyo-chan?" Honey asked, seeing his foot never ceasing in its tapping.

"I'm simply impatient, Honey-sempai." Kyoya said, he almost glared as he saw a limousine pull up near them, Tamaki and the twins coming out of the back seat, "What took you so long?"

"I had to find the twins." Tamaki said, pointing at the two of them, Kyoya said nothing and pushed his glasses up his nose, "Where's Sora-sempai?"

"In there." Kyoya said, pointing to the building. Tamaki gaped at the sight of it.

"In there?!" He asked, Kyoya nodded once in response. Tamaki began to sweat nervously, "What could Daddy's little girl possibly be doing in there?!"

"That's what we're going to find out." Kyoya said, beginning to walk to the building. The other hosts quickly followed him. When Kyoya reached the door, however, his hand paused on the handle.

"Kyoya, why are you stopping?" The twins demanded, Kyoya stared at the handle, not once looking back at the other hosts.

"I'm almost worried about what I'm going to see." He muttered.

"So are we!" Hikaru said.

"But we aren't going to stop now!" Kaoru said.

"Think of what could be lying beyond that door!" Hikaru said.

"Open it, Kyoya!" Tamaki said, Kyoya took in a deep breath and pulled open the door. The entire host club gaped at the sight before them.

There were at least a dozen different couples, all of them doing the same style of dance as music played through the room. It was an upbeat, jazzy sort of tune that they all recognized as swing music. Specifically, the song 'Sing, Sing, Sing' by Louis Prima. Among the crowd, they spotted Sora, her hair up in a high ponytail as she swing danced with Kazuma. She was dressed in a tank top and form-fitting pants, a pair of comfortable sneakers were on her feet. She let herself be lifted up into the air, spreading her legs apart as she came down, letting Kazuma hold her like that for a split second, before he sent her back up into the air and let her come back down onto her feet, moving quickly with the music.

"Don't tell me this is what she does." Haruhi said with a grimace, watching Sora move with her partner. "I can't believe we got so worked up over dance lessons."

"Actually, she's not half-bad." Hikaru said, resting his elbow on his brother's shoulder and leaning on him.

"Yeah, you'd think a girl like Sora would be the last person you'd find dancing." Kaoru mused, bringing his hand to his chin.

"Hey! Sora-chan!" Honey shouted, making the hosts jump at the sound of his voice, "You're really good!" Sora's head swerved to see who was speaking and her eyes widened as she saw Honey standing near the entrance to the building, waving happily.

"H-Honey?!" Was all she squeaked out in a very high-pitched tone of surprise, before falling over with a yelp on top of Kazuma. In her surprise, her foot had accidentally tangled with his, making him trip and pull her down with her.

"Damn it, Silverwolf!" Kazuma cursed, "What the hell?"

"I-I'm sorry!" Sora said, untangling herself from him, "Can we take five?"

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