Chapter 19

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***Chapter 19***

The nurse sighed once she looked at Sora's cuts and her fresh bruise, "You seem to come in here a lot more often than the other students."

Sora chuckled nervously, "Well, I tend to get in a lot of trouble..."

"So I see..." The nurse muttered, she waved her over to a bed, "Alright, now let's see if I can't cover those up." She walked over to a drawer and began pulling out some gauze and different band aids. She also pulled out a few cotton balls and a bottle of disinfectant. She walked over to her and, after soaking the cotton ball in the disinfectant, began gently dabbing the cuts with it. Sora winced a little at the sudden sting, but she didn't complain. "You know, I'm starting to think you're one of those kids that just attracts trouble."

Sora shrugged, "Maybe I am."

"Hold still." The nurse ordered, putting a bandage over the cut on her cheek. Sora shut her mouth and stood still as the nurse began to tend to her other cuts on her chest. Sora looked over at Mori to see him standing a few feet away, completely silent. The nurse carefully put bandages over the cuts on her chest and moved away, "Well, you should be fine for now."

"Wait, that's it?" Sora asked in surprise, she thought the cuts would require a lot more attention.

"Those cuts aren't as bad as they look." The nurse said, "Just minor injuries, they should scab over before the end of the week."

"Oh." Sora said, gently poking the bandages, the nurse slapped her hand away.

"Don't touch them." She ordered, "And for pity's sake, stop coming in here! I don't want to waste every single band aid on you."

"Believe me, I don't plan on it." Sora said, getting off the bed and walking back over to Mori. He put his hand on her shoulder and began to escort her out of the room and back to the host club room. They walked through the hall in comfortable silence, Sora still wearing Mori's jacket over her shoulders. She looked up at him, and saw he was looking straight ahead of him. "Hey, um..." He looked down at her, "Thanks. You know, for... saving me back there." She looked down at the ground they walked on, "I freaked out and..." She stopped when Mori's arm pulled her just the tiniest bit closer. She blushed at the sudden increase of contact with Mori. "Um... Yeah, thanks..."

Mori looked down at her and saw her flushed face. He almost stopped altogether in surprise. She looked so cute! He smiled a little to himself, knowing that he was the one that made her blush.


"S-SORA-SEMPAI?!" Tamaki stuttered in utter shock at Sora's beat up form. She was surrounded by the host club almost instantly.

"What happened to you?" The twins demanded.

"Are you okay, Sora-chan?" Honey asked concernedly.

Tamaki took Sora's face in his hands, "What happened to my precious daughter?"

"I NEED SPACE!" Sora shouted, making them back off. She let out a breath of air, "Thank you."

"What happened?" Haruhi asked.

"I got ganged up on." Sora said, she fingered the bandage on her cheek and Mori moved her hand away from it.

"By who?" Kyoya asked, Sora shrugged.

"I don't know their names, but I did recognize a couple of them." She said, "I remembered them from when Yukio came and 'challenged' the kendo team to a fight. They were a few of his goons that came in with him." She let out a grunt when Tamaki latched himself onto her, crying dramatic tears.

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