Chapter 12

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***Chapter 12***

"I'm gonna get a whole bucketful of shells!" Honey cheered happily, Mori and a towel-wrapped Sora following behind him, "Lots of different kinds, too!" He looked over at the two of them, "Hey, Sora-chan. Do you think we'll find a live clam out here?" Sora shrugged.

"It's possible." She said, "I'm not familiar with the lifestyle of the average clam though, so I wouldn't know for sure." That seemed to be enough for the little blonde, and he had an extra skip in his step.

At his request (More like begging, in Sora's case) Sora and Mori had come with Honey to hunt for seashells. He would run to the shore every now and then, finding something in the water and coming back with a scallop, or some kind of swirled shell with a hole in it somewhere. They would walk by different rocks that seemed to jut out of the sand and into the sunlight. There was damp moss at the base of some of the rocks, which would be nourished when high tide came up to the shore. The rest of the host club had remained where they were, or, that's what Mori and Sora thought, at least. Secretly, everyone was tailing them as they walked down the beach.

Sora felt three pairs of eyes looking at her and turned around, seeing nothing, she shrugged it off as paranoia because of her new swimsuit. When she faced the front again, Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru poked their heads out from behind the rock again.

"Come on, guys." Haruhi said to the three of them quietly, "Can't we just leave them alone? We'll know if your plan worked later."

"SHHH!" They hissed at her.

"Haruhi, the entire point of this trip was to help them fall in love!" Tamaki hissed.

"We have to make sure everything goes okay!" The twins said. Haruhi rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but why do I have to be dragged into this?" She mumbled, not getting an answer as the three of them kept spying on the third years.

"Sora-chan! Sora-chan!" Honey cried, running up to her with a new shell in his hand, "Look!" She leaned down to see what was so special about the shell.

"It's very nice, Honey." She said.

"No! Look inside it!" Honey said, holding it out to her. Sora picked it up and jumped when she felt something crawling out. She flipped it over to see that the shell was the home to a hermit crab! "Isn't it cute?" Sora fingered the tiny claw of the crustacean and it shied back into its shell. She giggled a little.

"It is kind of cute." She said, she handed it back to the blonde, "Go put it back in the ocean."

"Okay!" Honey said, prancing off again. Sora stood up straight and looked over at Mori, not saying anything. He didn't say anything back. Sora turned her attention back to Honey as he ran along the shore, still looking for shells. Mori's eyes were focused on his cousin, but slowly, they drifted down to Sora. The towel covered her front well, but not her back. It showed a little of her butt in the blue and white bikini as she walked. He realized he was staring and forced his eyes away, looking back at his cousin.

"You look good." Mori commented without realizing it. Sora whirled her head around to see him, and saw him looking at his cousin. She blushed and turned back to the path in front of her.

"Thanks..." She muttered. They both looked up when Honey came running back.

"Takashi!" He cried, "I can't find Usa-chan!" The two teenagers looked around, not seeing Honey's pink bunny anywhere.

"Well, where did you see him last?" Sora asked.

"Over in front of the house!" Honey said, "Do you think he might be there?"

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