Chapter 17

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***Chapter 17***

"Will you leave me alone?!" Sora growled as the two twins followed her out of the school, Isabella watching the entire spectacle with a smile. The two of them were walking home since Sora's car had yet to be repaired and neither of their brothers could take them home today.

"No!" They said, sounding like stubborn children. Sora glared at them.

"Why are you following me?" She asked, "I already have one pair of insanely overprotective twins looking out for me at home, and I don't need another pair!"

"And you have your boyfriend, too." Hikaru said, Sora tensed and quickly shushed him, waving her hands to get him to be quiet. But it wasn't much good.

"Did he just say boyfriend?" Isabella asked, suddenly interested in their conversation.

"No!" Sora said quickly, "No, no, he said... he said... He meant my guy friends! Not boyfriend, definitely not boyfriend."

"Uh-huh..." Isabella said with a sly smirk.

"I'm serious!" Sora insisted, hurrying after her younger sister. The twins came scurrying after them, with every intention of following them home.


"Why am I just hearing about this now?!" Alfonso demanded of Sora as she, Kenneth, and Isabella sat in the living room (Their father was on a business trip at the time).

"It's not what you think!" Sora said, "I don't really have a boyfriend!"

"Then why did Isabella say you did?" Kenneth asked, much more calmly than his brother.

"She was just repeating what she heard from Hikaru and Kaoru!" Sora reasoned.

"And why were they saying that?" Alfonso asked.

"Because..." Sora trailed off, "Because I..."

"Because you what?" Alfonso demanded. Sora gestured for him to come closer and he leaned down. She leaned up so she could speak in his ear and whispered something to him. His angered face softened as he kept listening and pulled away when she was done, "Are you serious?" Sora nodded silently and he stood up straight, "Okay, that makes more sense."

"What does?" Isabella asked, looking up at him in confusion.

"She said-" Sora cut him off.

"Don't tell her!" She hissed at him, Alfonso stopped and looked at her questioningly, "You know how big of a mouth she has." Alfonso sighed, knowing that was much truer than he would have liked, "And Kenny's not much better." He looked over at Kenneth, suddenly remembering about how he told Sora about him being 'diaper boy'.

"Okay." Alfonso said, Isabella groaned.

"Why?" She asked, "Why can't we know about whatever it is?"

"Just because!" Sora snapped, she got up and began to walk away, "I'm going to go to bed, goodnight."

"'Night." Alfonso bid as she walked up the stairs to her room.


A few days later...

"It's been unusually quiet lately..." Sora muttered as she walked through the hallway with Haruhi to the host club.

Haruhi looked over at her, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Remember all those threats I got?" Sora asked, Haruhi nodded, "Well, there hasn't been a single one since. It makes me really uneasy..." Haruhi shrugged.

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