Chapter 3

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I hope your enjoying it so far. I don't own Ouran High School Host Club.

***Chapter 3***

Soralia walked down the hallway and looked to see the gym where kendo was being held was surrounded by girls, occasionally squealing at something. She rolled her eyes and pushed passed them to get to the door. She ignored their complaints and walked in to see a group of boys in kendo gear doing a few warm-ups being led by a tall boy with a stoic face and dark tresses. He looked toward her as she came in, as did many of the other boys. Although Sora wore the boy's uniform, it was painfully obvious she wasn't a boy. Her long hair was one reason you could tell, another was the fact that she wore a D-cup bra, so her chest was pretty big. Her legs were long and slender, you could tell through the pants she wore as she moved. She walked up to the one leading them and bent her head back to keep eye-contact with him.

"Excuse me, but are you the one in charge?" She asked, he nodded once. "Good, because I'd like to join the kendo team." One of the boys being instructed lost his footing. The eyes of the boy widened as he looked down at her. "So, what do I do to join?"

"You can't be serious!" One of the other kendo students said, "Girls don't do kendo!"

"Who says?" Sora demanded, "I didn't see anything in the rules about girls not participating!"

"Yeah, but this isn't a sport for girls." Another one said.

"Neither is American football, but I play it anyway." Sora retorted, she looked back to the tall boy, "So, can I join or not?" He didn't say anything as a high-pitched voice squealed over at the corner of the gym. She turned around to see the short little blond boy from her class skipping over to the tall boy. She watched in a bit of shock as he climbed up his shoulders like a monkey.

"A girl playing kendo!" He squealed, "Are you good?" She shrugged.

"Never done it before." She said, "But I have done softball, football, soccer, fencing, and a couple self-defense classes. How hard can kendo be?" The blonde boy shared a look at the taller one before they both looked back at her.

"You can try out." The boy said, "You can go against Takashi!" He patted the tall boy's head and smiled. Sora raised an eyebrow in a dubious way and cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"You serious?" She asked him, the blonde nodded. Sora shrugged again, "Okay, whatever." The boy squealed again and jumped off the boy he called Takashi, took her hand, and led her to the place where they kept the supplies. He outfitted her with some of the kendo gear that was a little big on her. He gave her a bamboo sword and she walked over to where Takashi waited in his own gear.

She held up the sword and pulled down the helmet. "Ready when you are." She told him. Takashi nodded and they began to fight.

There were cheers, mostly for the captain of the team, as they kept fighting. She blocked as best she could against the swing of his sword from his gigantic arms. She got him, once, in the side. Point for her. He got her in the leg, point for him. It kept going and going until Sora got a hit to his side again, and it was enough to knock him over. She stopped and lifted up her helmet as she looked at him, and he looked back, both of them shocked by the amount of strength she had just wielded. The entire gym had gone silent. She scratched nervously at the side of her head.

"Um, does this mean I'm in?"


Sora sat down on the bench as she watched a couple other kendo students spar with each other. The blonde boy she saw before came skipping over to her with an annoying large smile on his face. "Congratulations on making the team!" He said cheerily. Sora gave him a dry look. "What?"

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