Chapter 1

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I don't own Ouran High School Host Club. I wish I did but I don't sadly. Please comment and vote!!! Thx ;)


***Chapter 1***

A girl with short cut, golden brown hair walked through the doors that led to the front room of the Ouran High School. She smiled as she walked around the room. "Wow! It's huge!" She heard the door shut with a loud bang! She looked around to see a girl with longer, silver-white hair and a single neon blue streak in her hair with a disgruntled look on her face.

"Doesn't matter how big it is." She growled, "I cannot stand overly fancy places like this. I swear to you, every boy here is obsessed with sex, and every girl is as shallow as they come." The light-headed brunette gave the other an exasperated look.

"You're exaggerating." She said, "I'm sure that everyone at this school is very polite." She began walking down the hall, her knee-length purple skirt swishing from side to side as she did.

"Yeah, and I'm a golden platypus." The other growled under her breath as she followed her. Her already somewhat disheveled jeans scraping against the heels of her boots. These two were Isabella and Soralia Silverwolf. Two sisters from America, whose father recently made a lot of money in the fish business. He decided to go where fishing was good, and made a good meal when chopped, fried, baked, or covered in wasabi paste: Japan.

He had recently started up a sushi business, and it was flourishing. He already had a nationwide chain. With this new money, he decided to send his girls to one of Japan's most prestigious schools, Ouran High School.

Isabella, his pride and joy, was a sweet, innocent girl with loving tendencies towards others. She made good grades, joined good clubs, and always ended up making large numbers of friends. She was courteous, kind, polite, and made good relationships with all her teachers. A perfect example of daddy's little girl (She was the youngest by fifteen months) but she didn't use it to her advantage. Her friends were normally girls a lot like her, who liked fashion and boys and other girly stuff.

Soralia, however, was a different story. Soralia and Isabella were his only girls, so, while Isabella spent more time with her mother, Soralia spent time with her father, and two older brothers. She was unusually tough for a seventeen year old, and had a fondness for sports that included mostly men. At their last school, she had been the running back for their power puff football team, and was pretty good at it. School life, however, was a different story. She had problems with authority, and she was constantly getting sent to detention. She made good grades, straight A's in fact, but that didn't really help her attitude. She had antisocial tendencies and normally made almost no friends, if she did, it was some boy with a fondness for alcohol and multiple piercings across his paper white face. She got into fights, had pulled pranks on teachers and other students, and had taken in too many street smarts for his taste (Last month, he found a charge for a switchblade he didn't buy on his credit card...).

Both girls walked down the hallways of the school, looking for the office of the school chairman to get their uniforms and schedules for the rest of the year.

Soralia began to hate the decorating more and more as she kept walking by. She didn't like floral designs, or large windows with unbelievably large curtains. She was more comfortable in a cozy place, like a house small enough for you to holler someone's name and have him or her hear you, or her bedroom. She looked over at her sister, who was engrossing herself in the architecture and design of the halls. Isabella loved large buildings with complicated designs, mostly because she wanted to be an architect herself when she got older, or at least an interior designer.

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