A Kid Can Be A Good Matchmaker Sometimes.

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i  skip something from last chapter and i am not going to continue it because i am lazy as fuck. you will get confused so add a little glimpse of it.

here you go


Baekhyun was giving his face a final touch of makeup, last one the eyeliner his favourite part to do in makeup. While he was putting eyeliner on left eye, a yesterday's memory hit him.

"Take your time as much as you want, I will not force you to become mine. And from now on we can spend much more time together, baekhyun." Chanyeol whispers in baekhyun's ear making him blush so hard. Chanyeol smirked and kissed his left cheek.

This made baekhyun so flustered and mad that he threw his favourite eyeliner somewhere breaking into two pieces. (A/n: poor eyeliner L R.I.P.) "Yah, don't overact." Says kyungsoo, who is leaning on door frame with arms crossed. "5th time, this is the fifth time you broke an eyeliner in a day."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! CHANYEOL!!!!!!" baekhyun screamed in anger.

"Calm your ass down, baekhyun taehyung is sleeping." Kyungsoo give him a water bottle; baekhyun slammed the bottle on the study table.

"You could've just passed me another eyeliner to calm me down." Baekhyun said while he pouts, kyungsoo snatched the bottle. "On second thought I want water also..."

Baekhyun take the bottle from kyungsoo and drank it. "Being flustered, not going solve any problem baekhyun. I will ask you this question again, and this time no lies and not 'maybe' 'yes, no'. 'Do you like chanyeol?'"

"Of course I do, he was my first crush ever in my life when I first saw him in a party I fell for him immediately, I know he may not like me in my night form but I believed once he get to know me he will surely like my both personalities." Said baekhyun, looking happy and dreamy when talked about chanyeol.

"So what's the problem?" kyungsoo said and furrowed. "Don't know, before meeting or talking to him I always make plans what I am going to do next? But in reality I ignored him and annoyed him, things get messed up all the time."

Kyungsoo sigh and turn his back on baekhyun. "Clock is tic-toking; if you don't hurry then you will be late for tonight's masquerade party organized by Kim namjoon with his wife Kim seokjin." "Whatever." Baekhyun said and rolled his eyes. "I am waiting down stairs, okay"

Kyungsoo leaved the room. Baekhyun again started to put eyeliner.

__________at the party______________

"From now on you are on your own; I will be somewhere around in the corner talking to other guests if you need something just call me." Kyungsoo said, fixing his tie. "Remember, your majesty at 12 O' clock we will leave."

Baekhyun hummed in response and put his masquerade mask. As they stepped in to the ballroom, they separated into different directions.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
ᎷϴᎠᎬᎡΝ ᏟᏆΝᎠᎬᎡᎬᏞᏞᎪ; ChanBaek FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang