Impatience can cause a man to do foolish things.

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"Curse. You. Satansoo, for giving me big black bags under my beautiful eyes just like your soul." Baekhyun said as he slammed the glass on the table in anger.

Kyungsoo poked out his head out from the kitchen. "You know, I can hear voice from here clearly."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Baekhyun shrugged and proceed to greet the customers. A bell rung at the top of the door, baekhyun bowed and saw a familiar figure in front of him.

"Welcome, to the Seoul cafe." Said baekhyun, as he analyzed the man in front of him. Wearing all black, black pants, black sweatshirt, black mask, and black cap and black glasses.

Did he get kyungsoo virus? Thought baekhyun and smirked. "Want some help to get to your seat?" said baekhyun.

"This is me! Park chanyeol, baekhyun you didn't recognize me." Whispered chanyeol pulled off his mask. Baekhyun widen his eyes in surprise.

"Chanyeol, why you are here and this type of get up..." says baekhyun, checking out chanyeol from head to toe. Chanyeol smirked.

"Like this style of mine." Said chanyeol, baekhyun nodded. "I can buy better than this if you agree to come with me."

"With you?" says baekhyun, "ah, uh, chanyeol –ssi I appreciate your visit to our regular cafe, uh but you see I am at work-" chanyeol cut him off and grabbed his wrist.

"same excuses don't gonna to work for me, baekhyun why are you being like this you know I waited too long for this, I am not going to hurt you." Said chanyeol, anger and sadness in voice as he spoke those words. Baekhyun clenched his hand on his shirt.

"If you are not going to came with me peacefully. I will make it forcefully." Said chanyeol in dominating tone.

Chanyeol pulled baekhyun out of the cafe and throw him inside the car and get in also.

"Sehun, to the mansion." Ordered chanyeol, and looked at baekhyun who was sitting up on seat beside chanyeol, holding his right arm with his left hand.

Throughout the whole car ride they didn't even talk or looked at each other. Chanyeol was staring outside of the window and on the other hand baekhyun was looking down.

A scene took place there, baekhyun started crying all of sudden and chanyeol quickly looked at baekhyun and thought what he should do to calm him down.

Chanyeol placed his hand on baekhyun's head and caressed his head. Baekhyun blushed, and stopped crying instantly.

"Sorry... it was my fault I should have some more patience in me..." said chanyeol, a slight blush appeared on chanyeol's face. Baekhyun lowered his head in embarrassment.

______________Back to the cafe____________________

"Where that Korean bacon did go to?" said kyungsoo, searching for baekhyun all over the cafe again and again. Then he suddenly bumped into jongdae.

"Sorry. Jongdae" apologize kyungsoo, jongdae waved it off. "Ah, sorry to disturb whatever you were doing. Can you tell who are looking for?" asked jongdae, leaning his right ear to kyungsoo.

"Baekhyun..." kyungsoo said, jongdae made an 'O' mouth. "Baekhyun, he already left."

"Huh?" said kyungsoo as he widened his eyes. "What? When? Where? And most importantly WHY without my permission?"

Jongdae shrugged as he doesn't know anything about him. " maybe he finally get a chance to escaped from merciless cage of yours and fly away to find someone better than you and-" before finishing his lines, jongdae was cut off by a knife in front of his face.

"Tell me where is he or I will not hesitate to chop off your body with this me knife I bought today." Said kyungsoo, in very demanding voice that made jongdae shiver in fear.

"Okay, okay, okay. Kyungsoo, firstly." Says jongdae, as he slowly pushed away the knife in front of his face. Kyungsoo did what jongdae said.

After explanation--------

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!?" questioned kyungsoo, worried and anxiety all over in his face. "They seems like they know each other and something urgent came up when he started pulling him outside. Guess I was wrong."

Kyungsoo buried his face in his hands. Kyungsoo, you can't just stand here and doing nothing you have to save baekhyun.

"Tell minseok manger, I am going home soon to find baekhyun." Said kyungsoo, and headed to the staffroom.

"No need for that." A familiar voice said, made kyungsoo stopped his footsteps and turned to meet a tanned skinned male with muscular body having a sweet innocent smile.

"YOU!" shouted kyungsoo, take a step backward followed the tanned male and take a step forward.

"Kyungsoo listen-" the tanned male cut off by kyungsoo scream. "Don't!! Don't call me kyungsoo you stripper."

'Stripper' word made the tanned guy cringed so hard. "S-stripper? Kyungsoo listen, I am Kim Jongin not a stripper. I am not that kind of person you think that night was a mistake I got drunk and I behave like that. I apologize for it, I will do anything for you forgiveness," said jongin guy as he bows to 90 degree angle.

"I want second chance do kyungsoo!" jongin guy continues still bowing down, kyungsoo crossed and sighed an idea came up in his mind.

"I will only forgive you..." said kyungsoo, as jongin heard those words he lift up his head in surprise.

"Really?" asked jongin in disbelief. "...if you tell me where is my friend byun baekhyun." Answered kyungsoo in serious tone.

"Of course I will!" tanned smiled in happiness. "Meet me outside; I am coming in few minutes." Kyungsoo said and leaved jongin all alone by himself.


HI my readers!

This is the fucked up chapter I ever made. Look here this is how I make this chapter

Me+ wrote this at 2am of the night + on periods + cramps + not in the mood to write+ exhausted as hell+ sad kpop songs = fucked up chapter

Yes I am on periods right now so next week maybe I can't update BUT I will try to put Q/A instead.

Here the character put the questions in the comment section (most commented comment will win) idon'tkowwhatthefuckijustwrote.








Zhang (lay)






(Lastly but not least ME) A/n

Other characters coming soon

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